Chapter 177

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Sirius apparated into the basement and slumped down onto the sofa. 

James and Lily were already sitting there, waiting. 

"How was it at your end?" Sirius asked.

James groaned in response.

"Met him in the flesh," Lily breathed.

Sirius sat up straight.

"Voldypants?" Sirius cried. 

Lily and James nodded.

"Didn't stay for long though," James sighed. "We had to duel him for a bit, then he left and his Death Eaters went away too,"

"What did you get?" he asked.

"Not as interesting or deathly as yours," Sirius said, slumping back onto his chair with a frown. 

"They left too. Something must have happened, and they were called back or something?"

"Who did you have to duel? Manage to unmask any of those bastards?" Lily asked.

"I had my cousin," Sirius smirked. "Bellatrix was going mental. And there was this bloke, you know the one. . .the one with a very punchable nose,"

"Snape?" James provided

"No," Sirius cried. "Although, he does have a punchable nose. But no, the other git. . .Forget it. I'm still jumpy from the duel, I've forgotten his darn name,"

There was a light pop and Remus appeared in front of them.

"All good?" he asked with a sigh of relief.

"Yep," Sirius said. "I got Bellatrix, these two got Moldytoenails,"

Remus' eyes went as wide as saucers. 

"What?" he breathed. "You-Know-Who himself?"

James and Lily nodded again and they recited the incident to Remus.

Even as they were finishing their story, Peter apparated into the room and slumped onto the floor, then lied down spread-eagled.

"Dawlish is a fucking dick," Peter stated. "Wouldn't listen, the bastard,"

"Cool," Sirius said dismissively. "Listen, I had to fight Bellatrix. Potter couple here, these lucky gits got Voldy,"

Peter let out a terrified squeak and sat up. 

"Yeah, that's the reaction everyone's giving," James nodded.

"Oh, shit, forgot Regulus," Sirius mumbled, fishing for the mirror in his robes and finally pulling it out.

"Oi! Regulus!' he called.

Within seconds, Regulus' face swam into view.

"Can I come down?" he asked.

"Not yet," Lily replied. "Wait for a bit,"

"Right," Regulus said. "All of you are back?" 

"Nope," Sirius sighed. "We're waiting for Izzy. Oh, and your Dark Lord appeared himself to fight Lily and James,"

"What?" Regulus cried. 

"That reaction is so satisfying," James said.

"Izzy won't do that though," Peter reminded him. 

That was true. 

Isabella would probably nod as though she and Voldemort had arranged it beforehand and she knew it all along.

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