Chapter 172

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"How about this," Lily said. "We can go to get the dresses first, and then visit the Weasleys,"

"Or you could let me meet the Weasleys while you get the dresses," Isabella offered. "It will all be done in one day,"

"No, Izzy, you have to come along for that," Lily said exasperatedly. "Uniform, Izzy, uniform,"

Isabella didn't really like this little idea of uniform much, but Lily was the one getting married and she wasn't asking for much.

At the moment, they were sitting at the dining table discussing their plans for the weekend. Apparently, Dumbledore had given them the all-clear to meet Ollivander and Isabella was going. But then Lily brought in the plan of going dress-shopping for the bridesmaids. 

"Regulus, you'll have to polyjuice yourself," Sirius told the mirror. "Since you can't be seen around, you know,"

"How many people are coming?" Regulus sighed.

"Loads," Peter muttered, counting down on his fingers, muttering under his breath.

Then he gave up with a sigh.

"Loads," he stated. That should be enough to emphasize the number of guests. 

Regulus grimaced. He didn't like polyjuice-ing much. But what other option did he have? 

"You know," he said slowly. "I could just transfigure myself," 

"Yeah, no," James said. "We're not risking it. Spells can be taken off and you won't even know,"

Regulus' eyes found Isabella who shrugged. 

"I'm only helping with the decorations," she said. "Remus is in charge of the guests,"

Regulus rolled his eyes and slumped back onto his bed in defeat, his eyes never leaving Isabella. 

It was so much harder now that they had left school. 

They hadn't really expected it would be this hard to even talk to each other. Regulus couldn't come to visit very frequently, but he tried his best to be there at least once a week, sometimes in two weeks. And every time they called him using the mirror, Isabella wouldn't be able to talk much, because the others were there and all she could do was smile at him. 

Regulus really wanted to go over there that very moment and take Isabella in his arms and just sit like that in front of the fire until they fell asleep like they did back in the Room of Requirement.

"How did your second visit go?" Regulus asked Isabella. "The Healer?"

"It was fine," Isabella answered blandly. "He's still got no clue what's wrong with me, and s asking me the same thing, to keep taking my medication,"

"You're not coughing up blood anymore are you?" Regulus said, concerned.

Isabella shook her head. 

"Not for ages now," she said.

"And you can eat without throwing up?" Regulus pressed. Isabella nodded. 

Regulus stifled a groan. Nothing made sense anymore and he was so frustrated. He just wanted to spend some time with Isabella, not wedding planning. He was grateful that they wanted to include him and all, but it would have been nice if he got to speak with Isabella one on one for at least two minutes!

"How's job hunt going?" Remus asked Regulus.

"I'll get it," Regulus said grudgingly. "The Head's a pureblood maniac. It was easy as pie..."

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