Chapter 120

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Black was the last person Isabella was expecting to see. What was he doing here?

"Sit back down," he said, sounding rather pissed. What was he so mad at?

Regulus strode up to her. So much for leaving. Now she had seen him and he was involved in this utterly stupid situation. By Salazar, if it really did trouble her so much, she should have stuck to taking the stupid sleeping draught. Until she finds another alternative. It was not like she didn't know this would happen. She should have argued with Madam Pomfrey and told her that it would do her no good. Of course, that potion is shitty, and was almost killing her according to Madam Pomfrey. . .

Regulus took a deep breath. It wasn't his opinion that mattered here at all.

"Don't just stand there," he snapped. "Go sit down. You look like you're about faint,"

Jefferson seemed to be transfixed, staring at him in bewilderment. Regulus rolled his eyes exasperatedly as he walked closer to her.

He placed his hand on her shoulder, to steer her around. But surprising him, Jefferson flinched wildly and her hand moved to push his hand away.

"Okay, fine!" Regulus barked. He wasn't trying to do anything! What was she getting so sensitive for?

"I'm just going to hold your hand then," he grumbled and did just that.

Isabella had no clue what the heck was going on. Her head was still buzzing from the dream she just had, and then Black turns up in front of her?

Was she hallucinating all this?

He took her hand in his and led her towards the sofa again.

But Isabella got up to get herself some water, and go back to some sketching to clear her head. She didn't want to be sitting.

Regulus was glad that she didn't flinch or shudder when he took her hand. So she was fine with that. Good to know.

He had no idea why physical touches got such a reaction from her. If he thought about it, even Sirius, who was really touchy with people kept his distance and didn't trouble much with Jefferson.

"Just sit down," Regulus said once they reached the sofa. He wasn't sure how exactly to make her listen to him, especially since there was no need for her to listen to him. He didn't want her to flinch again because of something he did either.

Such a pain in the neck.

Regulus huffed and plopped down onto the sofa, dragging her down to fall beside him.

"You should have just stuck to taking the stupid potion then," he grumbled, searching his pockets for his wand.

Isabella was still processing what the hell had just happened.

And all that came to her head was, 'Huh?'


She looked up at his voice.

Black was holding out a goblet for her to take.

What in the name of Merlin's old, stinky socks was going on?

"It is just water," he said exasperatedly. "I'm not trying to poison you. If I wanted to kill you, I'd have just strangled you when you were sleeping,"

Well, he was certainly not improving her confidence by saying that.

Isabella blinked. She should get up. Sitting down made her want to throw up.

She made to lift herself from the sofa when Black tightened his grip on her hand and held her down.

"No," he said firmly. "You aren't going to move an inch from here and drink that. For Merlin's sake, Jefferson, stop being stubborn. And stop staring at me like you've never seen me before,"

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