Chapter 132

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Lily had no idea what to do, so she just moved around the shop picking out random dresses. 

She was acting like a typical snobbish, pureblood Slytherin. And so far, it seemed to be working. 

She knew that if anything happens, all she had to do was run outside, Remus and Peter were there. She didn't know what the others were doing though. 

What on earth was Izzy thinking?

Bellatrix Lestrange, a Death Eater, known for being crazy and brutal. . .says Izzy. There was never really news about who actually did the crime. Their identities were hidden, but Izzy had managed to pinpoint who did what. 

Anyway, there was Bellatrix Lestrange a few feet away from her, talking animatedly.

"It's so hilarious," Bellatrix was saying. "You should have heard their screams, Cissy,"

Lily grimaced. Then she turned away, her eyes wide with horror. She couldn't give herself away. What would Narcissa Malfoy do in this situation? Laugh? Make a joke? What the fuck!?

"Ah, right, you don't like it, do you?" Bellatrix said.

Oh. . .So, Narcissa Malfoy was normal, then. 

"You are too soft, Cissy," Bellatrix said. "Shopping to impress Lucius. Ha! It's so silly,"

"You know what? I'm leaving," she said getting to her feet. "Let's go, Cissy. Get what you need,"

". . .Nothing of my preference yet," Lily said, trying to keep her cool. She was supposed to switch with the original Narcissa at the shop. She couldn't leave now.

"I would like to keep searching," she said.

Lily didn't know why, but she felt speaking like how Izzy would do was the best way to get out of this without raising suspicions.

Bellatrix groaned.

"No, it's been hours," Bellatrix said, clearly annoyed.

"No, it has not," Lily said. "If you would check the clock, you might know that too, Bellatrix,"

Bellatrix glared at her but said nothing.

"Five more minutes," she grumbled.

Lily almost sighed out in relief. 

But what after five minutes. She couldn't even tell Remus and Peter. . .The ring. That was the excuse to come back in. To get the wedding ring the original Narcissa had. 

Oh, please just work. 

Fine minutes later, although Lily tried her very best to stall, it didn't work and Bellatrix Lestrange dragged her out of the shop. 

Bellatrix was talking about some random thing, Lily was only vaguely listening. Until something caught her attention.

"The Rowle mansion?" Lily said, trying to sound uninterested.

"Yes," Bellatrix nodded. "I don't see why he is still keeping them alive. But I will not question the Dark Lord's decisions. . .I bet they are having fun, torturing the mudbloods,"

Lily felt a chill run up her spine, and goosebumps erupt on her skin.

They kept muggleborns locked in the basement, just for the sake of doing it. Being tortured and killed, maybe something even worse.

She let out a soft sigh, and her breath came out in white smoke. The winter morning felt a lot colder all of a sudden. And the snow seemed to swallow up her feet.

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