Chapter 157

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When Isabella woke up, she found that Regulus had left the hospital wing. 

"Good morning, Madam Pomfrey," Isabella muttered, sliding out of bed.

"Oh, are you going to the Great Hall today?" Madam Pomfrey said, slightly surprised. 

Isabella nodded. She usually tried to stay in the hospital wing as much as possible the day after her visits. 

But today she was looking forward to going to the Great Hall. 

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey," Isabella said as she left. And she missed the knowing smile on Madam Pomfrey's face.

Isabella could mask the fluttery feeling in her stomach all the way to the Great Hall, but only till there. 

Regulus was already waiting in the empty Great Hall for her, at the Slytherin table. Isabella took her usual seat, right across the hall at the Gryffindor table and gave Regulus a small wave.

Do their tables really have to be that far away from each other? 

Isabella pulled her plate towards her and the table filled up magically with food. 

Regulus was slightly ticked off at his past self. Before, he was pleased that the Gryffindor table was so far away. He was glad that he had to only see less of them. But now the distance just seemed annoying. 

There were two long, empty tables between them and Regulus would have to literally scream for her to hear anything he said. 

He chewed lazily on his toast as he watched Isabella tap her wand on the jug of water, and then proceed to pour hot water into her teacup. 

She tapped the jug again, and put it aside, and then when to stirring her tea. 

So she prefers tea over coffee. . .Regulus glanced down at his cup of coffee. He had taken quite a liking to the drink and liked it black, with just the necessary amount of sugar.

Isabella raised the teacup to her lips, when she saw Regulus staring back at her. She gave him a small smile.

Regulus mouthed, "Good morning,"

Isabella nodded back with a smile. 

Regulus would have sent a letter by owl to her, but it would look really strange for an owl to travel across the Great Hall, from one end to the other, instead of in and out. 

He did a mental tally of their timetable. . .He had Potions, he was looking forward to that. . .If he got to the class early, then he could talk to Isabella. . .Shame he didn't have Arithmancy today. What a bummer. . .Well, it wasn't like he could sit next to her either. It would be very suspicious if he did that out of his own volition. Slughorn had made his best students sit together since the very start and everyone knew it. . .

. . .Till Potions, then.

"You're early again," Isabella said as she entered the dungeon classroom. It was strange seeing someone else in the room when she entered since she was habituated to seeing the place empty. But she didn't mind since the someone was Regulus.

Regulus just shrugged. He wasn't going to let her know that he had practically run out of his Charms class. Marcus was probably concerned. . .Nah, that idiot wouldn't be. He'd just ignore it. 

Isabella put her bag down and took her seat. 

It was an awkward and sheepish silence that took over them, being the only two people in the class and doing nothing but staring at the empty blackboard. 

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