Chapter 171

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Isabella had to part with Regulus soon and he had to leave for his compartment where he had been sitting with his friends. 

He was supposed to apparate home on his own, and he said he would be fine.

When Isabella levitated her two trunks out and got off the train, carrying Snow Wiffle in his carriage in her hand she was startled to see the Marauders beaming at her.

"Where did you lot run off to?" she heard Lily's voice soon enough as she walked through the barrier separating the two worlds.

"Izzy!" she said brightly spotting the girl.

"Hello," Isabella said, blinking back her shock. 

They must have been there for an errand. 

With a nod of acknowledgement, Isabella made to continue on her way. 

Sirius and James sighed heavily.

"Izzy, we're here for you," Remus said timidly. 

Isabella paused.

"Why?" was her question.

"Why not?" was the reply she got and before she could really protest or make anything much of the situation, James and Sirius had taken each of the trunks and set off out into the muggle world.

"Why do you have two trunks?" Sirius asked.

"I had to collect a few things," Isabella said, slightly dazed.

Sirius shrugged and went back to telling her about the tattoo shop he liked so much, and how it was taking so much to convince Peter to get a tattoo, because the rest of the Marauders had all gotten tattoos. 

Lily said she would have to think about it for a bit more.

And then James asked Isabella if she wanted a tattoo.

"I need to go to Diagon Alley," Isabella said when she found herself being pushed into the muggle world and towards a taxi, Lily being their interpreter.

"No, we're going home," Peter said brightly. 

Snow Wiffle yawned widely.

"Yeah, about that. . ." Peter said tentatively looking at her cat. "Can you keep him away from me? Like Crookshanks? Cats don't like me much,"

Isabella' frowned.

"I would like to know what is going on," she said sharply. "Because my plans for the month seem to be crashing around me,"

"Well," Remus said, looking around for a nice way to tell her.

"We are taking you home," he said finally. "James' place, the Potter mansion. . .It's empty now, and Mr and Mrs Potter have moved elsewhere for the time being,"

"Was it Dumbledore's orders?" Isabella asked.

"Nope," James said from the front as Lily finally hailed their taxi and Sirius heaved the first trunk inside the boot.

"We just discussed it a bit, and came to the decision that it was for the best," James said. 

"Come on, everyone, get it," Lily said ushering all of them into the taxi.

"We'll have to take two different ones, because there are six of us," she said, dividing the groups.

"Peter, you go with Remus and Sirius," Lily said and the others scurried to follow the command. "James, Izzy, you are with me,"

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