Chapter 44

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"A bird, Izzy?!"

"She was hurt. And I'll keep her away from you,"

"You know I'm allergic to feathers,"

"I know, I'm sorry. I really am, but there's nowhere she can go,"

"Oh, god, whatever,"

Isabella slipped back into her room. 

The augurey was perched on the windowsill, looking outside at the sky.

"I'll set you free as soon as you get better," Isabella said softly.

It took a few days for the augurey to soften up to her. But Isabella felt it was worth it. 

Val, as she had named the bird, would now let her stroke her greenish-black feathers and wouldn't peck at her anymore. 

Isabella found it absolutely endearing how Val would stare at her with her round blue eyes, whenever she wanted food.

The manager of the Owl Emporium told her that the bird could eat owl food, although its preferred diet consisted of insects, flies and fairies. 

"Auguries are also called Irish Phoenixes," Isabella told Val as the bird nestled her head against Isabella's palm.

She didn't know what to name the bird, so she used her middle name. Val, short for Valerie. 

Isabella was out early on the first of September. Her father was keeping his distance from her and Val, due to his allergy. 

"See you Christmas," Isabella grinned at her father waving brightly as she pushed the trolley with her trunk towards the barrier between the two platforms.

"Goodbye, Izzy," her father called. "Have fun!"

"Bye, dad!" Isabella waved back. Then she turned to her bird. 

"Now, listen here carefully, Val," she said. "We're going to run straight into that wall, but don't worry nothing will happen, alright?"

Isabella wasn't entirely sure if her augurey got it, because as she rushed towards the wall, Val gave a terrified squawk, but before it could've heard, they were through the wall and on Platform Nine and Three Quarters. 

The platform was empty, except for the red Hogwarts Express that stood billowing steam. 

Isabella, glad that she was early, made her way with her trolley to the end of the train and got in. 

Once she had settled in and made herself comfortable, she let Val hop around the place. 

"I hope Hagrid will be able to help you," Isabella said. "He is the best person I know who can help magical creatures. . .Don't trouble him too much, alright?"

Val had settled herself near the window and was looking outside at the station. 

The train left the platform at exactly eleven o'clock, and Isabella was pleased that there was no one in her compartment but her. 

Somewhere around lunch, Val gave out a loud moan, startling Isabella. 

Isabella fumbled around, worrying if the bird was hurting, and it was a while until she realised that the augurey was just crying, announcing the arrival of rain.

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