Chapter 65

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When Isabella entered her room at the Leaky Cauldron with her supplies, she couldn't really see what was inside, her bags were covering her face. She kicked the door close behind her and then hobbled into the room, keeping an eye on the floor through a gap in the bags so that she didn't fall over anything. 

Then she saw someone's feet and very familiar shoes. 

"Hello, Sybill," Isabella said as she moved to her bed and placed her shopping bags down. 

She didn't know how Sybill had entered her room, or rather how she had found it in herself to enter a room and just wait like she owned the place, but Isabella decided to say nothing. 

Yes, Isabella seemed to be the only one who was willing to talk to her about her Divination, so Sybill Trelawney was sticking around her a lot. And Isabella decided it was better that she had the one who was to make the Lost Prophecy close to her. 

Isabella straightened and turned around to look at Sybill and listen to what she had to say before sending her off quickly. 

Isabella stifled a small squeak.

"Headmaster Dumbledore," she breathed.

Sure enough, the old wizard was sitting in a chair, opposite Sybill, at either ends of the round little table which had the crystal ball, cards and two teacups on them.

"Miss Jefferson," Dumbledore smiled brightly. "Miss Trelawney here was just telling me my future,"

Isabella's eyes fell on the teacups again and she supposed Sybill was reading the tea leaves. 

"What are you doing here, professor?" she asked. 

And just as Dumbledore had opened his mouth to answer a tawny owl flew in through the window. 

Why did today seem much more eventful than it usually was?

"Excuse me," Isabella said and turned to the owl. 

It carried the Daily Prophet for that day and a letter. 

Ah, she must have gotten her answer. 

"I've made a subscription to the Daily Prophet," Isabella told her visitors, whom she still had her back turned to.

She stuffed the letter into her robes and took the newspaper and placed it on the bedside table, before moving to her guests. 

"If you'd let me know why you are here?" she said glancing at both of them. 

"I had to tell you," Sybill started. "I saw it!"

"Saw what?" Isabella asked. Even Dumbledore looked mildly interested in what Sybill had to say. Encouraged by this, Sybill brightened up. 

"The Grim," she said, completely serious.  (A/N: I know what I did )

Dumbledore straightened. 

"Where?" Isabella asked as she sat on the edge of her bed. 

"Alas, I do not know," Sybill said. "But death approaches. Be warned. The search is not safe,"

Isabella stiffened. The atmosphere around them changed. Even Dumbledore seemed to fall into a stunned silence. 

Isabella hadn't told anybody about her dreams. And there weren't many reasons Dumbledore would be there. It was obviously about her dreams. . .or the box. 

How did Sybill know that Isabella was going to look for the box?

Isabella glanced at Dumbledore who had an enquiring look. 

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