Chapter 25

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"Alright, team," McLaggen called loudly.

Isabella turned her broom in the air and zoomed towards the huddle that was forming in the middle of the pitch.

"First match of the season," McLaggen said when all seen of them were huddled together. "I know we'll do well. We've been practising hard, day after day,"

"Tell me about it," Sirius muttered under his breath. 

"We can do this," McLaggen said firmly. There was a glint in his eyes, which seemed rather threatening. 

"Course we can," James said with a yawn. "We'll have Slytherin slaughtered,"

"I'm looking forward to that," Isabella said before she could stop herself. 

The others turned to look at her. Isabella didn't speak much. But here she was, glaring at the ground, as she grumbled about showing Slytherin.

"Well, we've got team spirit then," Frank grinned. 

"You don't like my brother too much, do you?" Sirius said as they landed on the ground and headed towards the locked rooms.

"I wouldn't like being acquainted with him," Isabella nodded.

"Are you playing just to make fun of him then?" Sirius joked.

A small smile spread across Isabella's face.

"Among other reasons," she admitted. "Quidditch is a very interesting game, and I do not wish to give your brother that much credit. He doesn't come close to it. . .But yes, I do want to beat him,"

"Oh, dear," Marlene who was walking behind them sighed. 

"Your little Seeker is a feisty one, isn't she?" James grinned, patting Isabella's shoulder.

"As long as you get the snitch first," Browne said with a shrug.

Isabella wanted to say, 'Oh, I will', but she decided to keep that to herself for a while. It would be evident if she wins tomorrow's match.

Isabella spent the night in the Room of Requirement, staring at her broom, slowly polishing the handle, her mind spinning in a thousand different directions.

By Saturday morning, Isabella was a nervous wreck. The rain was pelting down hard and fast, and the cold, bitter winds were harsh. Even McLaggen looked worried although he kept assuring the team that they had practised in this weather for ages, so they should do just fine.

It was quiet in the locked room, which was an unusual sight. 

"Impervius," James muttered, pointing at his glasses, as Isabella pulled on her gloves, getting ready to leave for the pitch.

"Alright, team," McLaggen said coming out of the captain's office. "We can do this!" he cheered.

The team grinned back at him. 

"It's time," McLaggen said, and lead the team out onto the pitch.

The stands erupted in cheers. One side was dedicated to the red and gold of Gryffindor, and the other green and silver Slytherin. 

Isabella shivered slightly, but not because of the rain. The Slytherin colours reminded her of the basilisk and her nightmare. 

The Gryffindor team trooped out in a line and approached Madam Hooch who had a whistle around her neck.

Over the harsh rain, they heard Madam Hooch yell, "Captains, shake hands,"

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