Chapter 34

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Isabella turned heel and bolted. She ran down the staircases back to the second floor. 


How the hell didn't she think of it first?! 

The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was in the second-floor girls' bathroom. 

So, next question. How was the huge basilisk slithering around the castle, without anyone ever noticing it if Riddle set it out to roam free?

Simple! It was using the goddamned plumbing. 

Good Merlin, why didn't she figure this out before? And Slytherin was a weirdo. . .but smart. No one would have thought of it, certainly. 

How did Riddle find out about the basilisk anyway?
Well, he must have gone around reading, probably. And then he might have figured out that he could talk to snakes and tried it, the basilisk might have responded. And, Epiphany!!
Then he set off killing people, the little psycho. 

Someone should have just sent the boy to therapy and all this nonsense would have never happened in the first place.

Isabella threw the door open and ran inside, almost slipping on all the water and landing face-first. She managed to steady herself by throwing herself on the walls.

She made sure to close the door behind her before pulling her wand out and muttering, "Lumos,"

"You are back?" Myrtle said this time she was floating near the ceiling, looking down at her. 

It was the first time Isabella had seen her whole. Myrtle only showed her face all this time. 

"Yes, as you can see," Isabella said hurriedly looking around wondering where the entrance could be,

"Why?" Myrtle said coming down and floating beside Isabella.

"I had something else to look here," Isabella said. ". . .And no, I'll be honest. I didn't come for you,"

"I know," Myrtle said sadly. "No one ever comes for me. They even took ages to find my body when I died,"

Isabella was too busy searching for any clues to answer Myrtle. Isabella raised her wand and walked towards the walls, dragging her palm across the cool marble, searching for any hidden trapdoors or switches.

"What are you looking for?" Mrytle said following Isabella around. 

"Signs," Isabella said.

"Signs for what?" Myrtle asked.

"Signs that will prove my theory right," Isabella answered. 

"And what is your theory?" Myrtle asked.

"It is a secret," was Isabella's answer.

Myrtle huffed and crossed her arms, starting to cry again. 

"I had to relive my death to tell you, and you won't tell me this simple thing?" she cried.

Isabella sighed. "Fine," she gave in. "My theory is that the monster that killed you is still very much alive,"

Myrtle froze. 

"What?" she gasped. "The thing is still alive? And it is here?"

"Most probably," Isabella said.

"Then you should tell Dumbledore!" Myrtle screeched. "Others could get harmed. Even killed!"

Isabella's gaze softened. That was very considerate of Myrtle. 

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