Chapter 128

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As the days to the holidays went past, an anxious excitement had fallen over the seven of them.

"We need a name for ourselves," James said one day. "The Secret Seven,"

"Isn't that a muggle book's name?" Lily said.

"The Secret Society of the Seven. . ." Sirius had started with enthusiasm but then trailed off. 

"Of the Seven what?" Regulus said, enjoying Sirius confusion.

"Sickles?" Peter said.

"Why the hell would we be sickles?" Sirius barked. 

"I dunno!" Peter cried. "I'm just finding words that start with 'S'. . .Silver. Serpent. Sickles! Sickos! I dunno,"

"Sickos. . . suits it," Regulus said nonchalantly. "Who in their right minds would do what we are doing?"

"Have you thought about costume," Remus said quietly. And James and Sirius looked like they had just received enlightenment. 

Isabella closed her eyes wearily. 

"Of course we need costumes!" James cried. "The Death Eaters have their masks. We need something to hide our faces too,"

"Not masks, it needs to be original," Sirius said. "How about a hood-plus-mask?"

"You said no mask just now," Regulus pointed out.

"Yeah, not the stupid mask that covers the whole face," Sirius said. "Just something to cover your nose and mouth,"

"And the hood can fall over your head, only eyes visible," James said excitedly. "Perfect. It's going to look so cool! Lily, choose a colour. I was going for red,"

"We are not wearing bright red robes," Lily said incredulously. "We are supposed to be a 'Secret Society',"

"But the colour scheme is red and gold," James said.

"We are not doing the Gryffindor colours," Regulus said firmly. "I'm not wearing it,"

"It's not Gryffindor colours," Sirius said rolling his eyes at his brother's stupidity. "It is the symbol,"

He pointed at the centre of the round table.

"A phoenix," he said. "It's there everywhere in this room. Obviously it is our symbol now,"

Regulus huffed.

"Let's just go with black," Remus suggested. "It would help us blend into the shadows if we need to,"

"Like ninjas?" Lily said.

Isabella was on the verge of tipping over the edge and going ballistic. They were supposed to be practising Occlumency!


Christmas spirit had taken over Hogwarts and the merry carols rang in the hallways of the castle.

A week before their holidays began, they had another Hogsmead trip. Isabella was looking forward to going alone. There really wasn't anything she wanted to buy, but she wanted to look around at the shops she hadn't before. And it was around this time that Mr Ollivander would come to check on the Hogsmeade branch. 

Hmm. . .she did have some money with her, so she could try and get a new crystal ball for herself. Using the ones from school was a bit...foggy. 

And she also had to prepare a few things before holidays began. . .

Isabella went down the stone steps after breakfast, and went to the Forbidden Forest first. There was still time until the carriages arrived, and she could spend some time in the forest. 

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