Chapter 166

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Kreacher did not like the girl. . .Master Regulus did not like it when he called her a mudblood, so she was 'the girl'.

Master Regulus had asked Kreacher to check in on the girl every day and help her if she needed help when he was away, so Kreacher did.

The girl didn't ask Kreacher to do anything. She didn't do anything worth noting either. 

The girl only sat in the hospital wing, where the school nurse took care of her. The girl's cat would stay with her most of the time, and she would read her books. 

The girl was sick, always had been, but it seemed to worsen in Master Regulus' absence. 

At the end of the day, when as instructed, Kreacher would ask her if there was something she wanted, she would speak for the first time.

"How is he?"

Kreacher wouldn't tell her anything. 

Because Master Regulus had told him not to cause any worry for the girl. 

And Kreacher listened to his master, even though he despised what he was doing. Even though he despised that the girl had put him through all the pain, and stained his master's pure mind.

Kreacher did not like the girl. 

So, he did not tell her anything. 

Even when Master Regulus was called by the Dark Lord, brought under the suspicion of having betrayed the Dark Lord. 

When the girl asked him, "How is he?"

Kreacher replied with his only answer, "Master Regulus is well,"

Even when Master Regulus was to stay in bed for three days, because the Dark Lord had used the curciatus curse to interrogate him. 


It was hardly a week, but it was very tedious. 

Isabella didn't like being left alone with her mind anymore. It was a bit too dark in there. And without Regulus, everything seemed dull. 

She had the mirror, and the Map. The Marauders checked in every now and then, and Isabella was thankful for their generosity.

It was very obvious that Kreacher did not like her in a bit, and was only hanging around her because Regulus had said so. And the only reason she was keeping the elf around was because Kreacher was the only connection she had to Regulus. 

She could plan her next move, if she knew what was going on at Regulus' end, but Kreacher wouldn't tell her anything and Isabella couldn't help but worry. 

And this worsened her health, causing Madam Pomfrey to worry. She would tell McGonagall, who'd go to Dumbledore and Isabella avoided Dumbledore like the plague and that was the circle.

If she thought about it, she should get it done with.

Talk to Dumbledore. Let him know what she thought.

Well, the next time Madam Pomfrey let her out of the hospital wing, she'd go to the Headmaster's Office.

Students had started returning home, but this time it was considerably less. A few worried parents had pulled their children out of the school, and many left the country. 

Suppose that is just how war works. 

On the last day of the holidays, Isabella managed to convince Madam Pomfrey, and gather up all the courage she had and trudged up to the tower where the Headmaster resided.

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