Chapter 86

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October brought chilly winds with it, but the storm had blown itself out. 

Professor Kettleburn brought a kneazle to the class and that was the most interesting thing that happened that week, seeing as the other teachers only gave them homework and started going to the more complicated topics.

At the moment, Isabella happened to be wandering in the Forbidden Forest, because during her last visit, she met Silver, who dragged her to the unicorn herd's clearing. 

When Isabella saw the sight, she had run all the way back, and dragged Hagrid with her. 

And all he said was, "Oh, yeah. Forgot 'bout that," 

"Hagrid! How could you forget?" Isabella cried, extremely excited. "Silver's going to be a father soon. I'm just going to stay in the Forbidden Forest. I think I can manage to skip a few classes,"

"No, yeh won't," Hagrid said sternly. "Fowls pop up all the time,"

"But this is the first one I'm going to see," Isabella said, almost jumping out of joy. 

Silver nudged Isabella slightly and pushed her forward towards his mate. Isabella almost squealed as she stroked the female unicorn's mane.

Hagrid sighed in defeat. 

"Yeh can visit often," he said.

"I always visit often, Hagrid," Isabella rolled her eyes, still grinning.

Hagrid shook his hairy head and headed back. 

"Don' get inter trouble," he warned before leaving. 

So now Isabella visited the Forbidden Forest almost all the time, whenever she had long enough breaks, and sometimes she would use the time-turner to spend a couple of hours with the unicorns. 

"The Forbidden Forest," Sirius said slowly as three of the Marauders bent over the Map one evening in their dormitory. 

"She's nowhere near the Whomping Willow though," Peter said with a shrug.

"No one knows about that anyway," Sirius said dismissively. "But what could she be doing in the Forbidden forest?"

James checked his watch. 

"Let's go," he whispered, grabbing his cloak. "Madam Pomfrey should have left by now,"

He threw the Invisibility cloak over the three off them and they crept out of the dormitory. 

Isabella had to leave the Forbidden Forest early that evening, because of the full moon. She knew it wasn't Remus fault and that he didn't have much of a choice in the matter, but she couldn't help but feel a bit bummed up. 

She would have to wait till the morning when the moon waned. 

Isabella didn't do anything much that night, she lay around in her bed lazily, staring at the Deathly Hallows necklace, while stroking Snow Wiffle's fur as he snoozed on her lap. 

She was waiting for Christmas. Of course, she was going home, and she would have a well-deserved break, but that was not all. She had a plan, and she was going to put it to work after the holidays. 

She didn't have to do it. There was no reason, no important cause that would result in the saving of the world, nothing of that sort. 

If she was being honest with herself, she was just being a bit egotistical. And because she wanted to have some fun. 

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