Chapter 60

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Isabella was very displeased with herself. 

Sleep seemed to stay well away from her and the only times it visited, it showed her the same dream with the stupid box she was supposed to find. 

She had no idea what was supposed to happen to the Marauders or their story or what all the mess was about.

Now her only option was to look for the box, hoping that it would have clue at least. 

At the moment, Isabella was going down the corridors to McGonagall's office to return the time-turner.

Most of the students were outside, enjoying their few free days after the exams, soaking up the sun and taking neat walks along the lake.

"Come in," McGonagall said from inside when she knocked on the door. 

"Good afternoon, professor," Isabella said entering the office. 

"Jefferson," McGonagall said looking up. "Here to return it, I see,"

Isabella nodded and placed the little box on McGonagall's desk. 

"How was the experience?" McGonagall said putting her book down. 

"It was pleasant," Isabella answered simply. 

"And how do you think you did in your exams?" McGonagall pressed.

"I think my performance was satisfactory," Isabella said without hesitation. 

McGonagall sighed and took off her glasses. 

"Jefferson, do you still wish to take up all these subjects next year too?" McGonagall said. "It is only going to get more stressful,"

"Professor, I want to continue with all the electives for my O.W.L.s and my N.E.W.T.s," Isabella said. 

"And I have considered the increasing difficulty levels, but I think I can do it," she said. 

McGonagall pressed her lips into a thin line. 

"Well, if you are so certain," she said. "Then continue this way. . .However, if you feel the pressure it too much to bear you can always come back to me,"

Isabella nodded. "Thank you, Professor," she said and left the office. 

Isabella sat in the Forbidden Forest, in her secret spot, just staring at the canopy overhead. 

These were the last couple of days before she left for summer and then she would start her fourth year. . .Wonder what would happen to Harry. Poor fellow, can't even catch a break. . .Supposing that the prophecy would come true and Voldemort would rise to power again. . .

Ah, must suck to be Harry. 

The Boy Who Lived. . .One day, Harry'd have to die too. Would he meet Death like an old friend, as in the tale? 

The Deathly Hallows. . .She thought she knew where one Hallow was. The Stone. . .she had her assumptions. . .the Wand was a mystery. But Dumbledore seemed to know more than he let on. 

"Val," Isabella called and the augurey swooped down from her nest in the trees and perched onto Isabella's arm. 

Val was all healed and she could fly perfectly. 

On the last day of her exams, Isabella set the bird free with Hagrid and they watched her fly away into the sunset. 

Hagrid was sniffing and even Isabella felt sad to let go of such a wonderful friend. 

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