Chapter 131

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Sirius jumped. 

He was lying in his bed, up in his dormitory, in the middle of the night, levitating a muggle magazine about motorbikes above his head, when the mirror screamed at him. 

Sirius tumbled out of bed, waking up Peter who was asleep.

"It's Reg!" Sirius cried, informing the others and grabbed the mirror. 

"What?" he said, staring back at Regulus.

"Narcissa," Regulus breathed. "She replied,"

"Holy shit!" Sirius cried, jumping to his feet, and stumbled out of the dormitory. 

"Sirius, you can't go up the girls' dormitory," Remus called after him.

"Not if you don't use the hover charm," James yelled. 

"Or you could just yell out for Lily or Izzy," Peter suggested. 

"I'll go with James' idea," Sirius said rushing down the staircase to the common room.

"No!" Remus bellowed. "Go with Peter's idea!"

"Or that a broom and fly around the tower to their windows!" James said. 

"NO!" Remus yelled alarmed. 

"LILY!!" Sirius yelled from the bottom of the steps that led to the girls' dormitory.

"What is it, Sirius?"

Sirius jumped a foot, and swivelled around.

"Izzy," he breathed. "You were here,"

He stared at the girl who was curled up in an armchair beside the fireplace, in the empty common room. 

A door opened and Lily popped her head out.

"What?" she snapped, in her nightdress. 

"Regulus has news," Sirius said, holding up the mirror. 

Soon, the rest of the Marauders tumbled downstairs, and all of them were gathered in the common room, near the fire. 

"Narcissa sent a letter," Regulus said finally, after he had finishing commenting sarcastically about the Marauders' stupidity. 

"It was a short letter," he said holding it out so that they could read it.

"Someone decipher it," Peter muttered. "It's backwards,"

"Nevermind," Regulus huffed. "She just said yes. That she would give Andromeda once chance,"

Isabella perked up at this. 

"That's good," she said. "Let's pick a date then,"

She thought for a bit, then said, "The fifteenth of this month, at Knockturn alley,"

"Knockturn alley?" James said sceptically. "A bit dodgy for a meeting,"

"We aren't meeting there," Isabella said. "We are leaving a false trail,"

The others glanced at each other. Who knew what went on in Isabella's head. But so far, everything had worked just as she said, so they were going to give it a shot again. They would follow her lead.

"I'll let Narcissa know," Regulus mumbled. 

"Did you say that Bellatrix was staying a while at the Manor?" Isabella said slowly.

"Most probably," Regulus shrugged.

"I see," Isabella said, thinking. ". . .Oh, and Regulus. You'll have to come back here on the fourteenth,"

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