Chapter 54

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"Enter," Dumbledore's voice said from inside and Isabella pushed the door open stepping foot in the familiar circular office. Today, Fawkes wasn't there she noticed.

"Miss Jefferson," Dumbledore said looking up from a few scrolls of parchment on his desk. "To what do I owe this pleasure? I am supposing you've used the time-turner again,"

"Yes, there is a me in the classrooms too," Isabella said taking the seat Dumbledore gestured to. 

"I had a question," she said.

"It is important, I hope," Dumbledore said. "These letters from the Ministry cannot be put off for long,"

"This," Isabella said, unfastening the chain around her neck and she placed the trinket on the table and pushed it towards the Headmaster. 

"The symbol of the Deathly Hallows, a few recognise it as," she said. "It is more commonly known as the symbol of the dark wizard, Gellert Grindelwald,"

Dumbledore picked the trinket up in his hands and held it in the light so that the silver metal glinted sharply. 

"And you were the one who defeated Grindelwald," Isabella said. "So I wondered if you know anything about it,"

"Gellert Grindelwald," Dumbledore said after a long pause of silence.  "Was blinded,"

Isabella hid her frown. Something seemed suspicious, especially Dumbledore's tone. 

"His cruelty had to be stopped," he said. "So, yes, after years of being approached I had to step in,"

So Dumbledore didn't want to at first. 

"Sir, do you believe in the Deathly Hallows?" Isabella asked. 

"The Deathly Hallows is just a fable made to entice the curious and adventurous minds," Dumbledore said. "No magic can bring back the dead, Miss Jefferson,"

"Yes, I know that," Isabella said patiently. "But do you believe that the Deathly Hallows exist?"

Dumbledore chuckled softly. "Do you, Miss Jefferson?"

"Yes," Isabella answered simply. 

Dumbledore smiled serenely. "And what brought you to believe so firmly in something you've never seen?"

"Oh, I've seen them," Isabella said. "The Elder Wand, the Ressurection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. I've seen them,"

Isabella was bluffing. She only knew that James owned the Cloak, but she had never seen it. She was trying to get Dumbledore to admit what he knew. 

When Dumbledores piercing blue eyes met her gaze, Isabella vowed to learn occlumency. She didn't want anybody snooping around in her mind. 

Well, if she can't get Dumbledore to stop looking in her head, she just had to show him what she wanted him to believe.

"Headmaster," Isabella said sharply. "The three objects were originally made by and owned by the Peverell brothers and they were passed down, generation to generation. The Elder wand, however, took a different path of passing generations. . .But the other two, they must be in the possession of someone,"

Isabella crossed her arms.

"And so, what if they are in the possession of someone closer than we think?" she said.

Isabella felt her stomach drop. A fleeting, dark and sorrowful expression had crossed Dumbledore's face, but it was gone as fast as it came. 

"Maybe I have it back, professor?" Isabella said holding her hand out for her chain. 

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