Chapter 129

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When Isabella entered the Room of Requirement, early in the evening on Christmas Eve, she was surprised to find Sirius, Peter and Remus already there.

And they were decorating the room, for Christmas.

"You do realise that this is practically pointless," Isabella said. "I don't see why you are doing this,"

"It's Christmas, Izzy," Sirius scolded. "We are obviously decorating the place. You should decorate on Christmas. Otherwise, it would be like going out without clothes,"

"He's just bored," Remus told her. "James' going with Lily to Slughorn's party,"

Isabella nodded. 

"I came here to tell you that it would be nice if you could turn up a bit after midnight," Isabella said. "But it seems you are planning on staying here,"

Sirius was sitting on Peter's shoulders, as he tried to prod at the high ceiling. 

"Use a hover charm," Remus sighed.

"Good idea," Sirius said cheerfully and cast the spell.

. . .On Peter.

So, now Peter was hovering inches above the ground, wobbling dangerously, with Sirius clinging onto his head, shrieking wildly.

For such smart people, sometimes they just acted like utter idiots. 

Isabella sighed, and said, "Merry Christmas, Remus," 

"Merry Christmas, Izzy," Remus smiled. "We'll be here,"

Isabella was very mad and frustrated at herself. 

She didn't know what was wrong with her at all!. . .On second, thought she knew what was wrong with her. But she didn't want it to be the reason!

Last year, she couldn't have cared less what she wore to a party she didn't want to be at. She just wore the first thing she got her hands on and tied her hairstyle to the most efficient one. A simple braid, that's what she should go with. It would keep her hair out of her face, and it wouldn't get tangled much either, so the next morning she wouldn't have to struggle. 

But here she was, sitting on her bed, with copies of Witch Weekly magazines, looking up hairstyles she could do with magic.

Isabella didn't have a subscription to Witch Weekly. Valerie received one every week, with her submissions of her first draft of the week's prophecies. 

Isabella had pulled down the curtains around her bed and had her wand stuck in her hair, giving out light. 

Snow Wiffle was on her lap, watching the magazines' pictures move.

She wasn't looking for something too grand. Just a messy bun, which looked good would do. . She did find one, but she had to do a braid for it to look good. . .The other one was a bit complicated, and a mess up in the wand movements might just burn all her hair.

The first one was better. 

Isabella sighed and cleared up all the magazines into a neat pile. Finally! It had taken at least an hour and a half to just decide.

Next thing, make up. . .Yeah, no. She didn't have that much patience to deal with the mess she would make if it ever went wrong. 

She should just stick with her lip balm. It was effective and simple to use. Not to mention, if she accidentally eats it, it shouldn't be that much of a problem.

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