chapter 11

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Zuo Ying looked at his rank again, and he had fallen to the eleventh place as expected.

Did you all fight like this?

Suddenly she saw a trading reminder in the column of her trading platform.

Click to open it, and someone sent her a transaction request.

A small bag of rice? The price is only one game currency?

Zhuang: The food you cook is delicious, and I hope to continue to cooperate.

It was the person who bought the food she cooked yesterday.

There are two more sentences before:

Can I place another order? The price is easy to negotiate.

Don't use rice, just light vegetables and rabbit meat.

She thought about it, and replied: Do you still have to place an order? But I only have vegetables and no rabbits today.

She went to the creek trap and nearby to see it, and it seems that she didn't rearrange the rabbits today.

There was almost a second time, and what came back was the second transaction application, a rabbit, and the price was still 1 game currency.

Zuo Ying thought, this response speed and attitude are how anxious to eat, but since he owns rice and rabbits, he will certainly not lack other materials and utensils, why not make it himself? The operation is not complicated.

But she doesn't care about these things.

She also swiftly replied: You can trade rabbits to me at market prices, and I will sell them to you as mature foods. If you need rice, you can do the same.

She paused when this sentence was sent, and ran to the personal information column and looked at the game currency: 219.

Well, she may not be able to afford that bag of rice.

At this time the message came in again.

Zhuang: There is currently no market price for rice. It is a gift and sincerity to continue cooperation. How about rabbit 50 game currency?

A rabbit of 50 game coins is about the same as the purchase price of the game. It is indeed the market price.

Zuo Ying was not hypocritical, and directly agreed.

It took 51 game coins, a small bag of rice and a rabbit.

She quickly treated the rabbits, and returned to the slope to steam the rice first, and then set up another fire to roast the rabbits. While roasting the rabbits, she went through the watering and weeding processes of the three vegetable plots at the same time. Experience The value rose by a small margin.

The vegetables in the three fields have not grown up except for the greens. She pulled out the big greens and waited for a pot of rice to be cooked. She emptied her backpack for the rice so that the rice would not be cold and the pot would be empty. Come out and stir-fry vegetables.

After such a busy schedule, several meals were made, one of which was directly traded to the "zhuang", the quantity was increased, and the rest was linked to the trading platform, and not in the form of a set meal, but sold separately.

The result was lost in ten seconds.

I clicked in and found that one of the meals and a portion of greens was still snatched by the villager, and the other buyers did not know it.

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