chapter 8

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On the other side, Zhuang Xi also got the meal he ordered.

A bowl of rice, a bowl of vegetables, a rabbit leg wrapped in leaves.

He hadn't eaten three ordinary things before, but when these three things appeared in front of him, the scent exuding still made him refreshed.

The appetite that has never been lifted was activated.

He glanced at the greasy poor rabbit he was roasting next to him, and murmured, "It's not the rabbit's problem."

It's a matter of craftsmanship.

The rabbits he roasted by himself are not good, and he is unwilling to eat, or in other words, there is not much he is willing to eat.

He casually folded a branch as a chopstick, and tasted the rice first, let alone the taste of the rice in this game is really different from the outside.

I ate another bite of the vegetable, and one bite is crispy, sweet and sweet, the best of the greens. He felt that it was unwise for him to look down on green vegetables and not grow them.

As for the last rabbit leg, he knew that it was completely different from the one he had baked.

Zhuang Xi had a very pleasant meal, but the portion was too small.

The last bit of broth was drunk unsatisfactorily. It can be said that it is quite lacking in image, so that the cabbage that popped out despised the outermost leaves to flap again.

If it had eyes, the white eyes would have been turned up to the sky.

Is this what a beauty should do? Drinking a few drops of vegetable soup will kill you, right?

Zhuang Xi smashed his mouth and looked at the small curved bowl made of water weeds under the leaves. He felt a little cute, and he was reluctant to throw it away.

He ignored the cabbage. Instead, he clicked on the personal panel and sent a message to the seller of the previous order: "Can I place another order? The price is easy to negotiate."

The cabbage seemed to squeeze a few words out of the vegetable bag: "No, that's just one portion of rice."

Zhuang Xi nodded and typed again: "No rice, just vegetables and rabbit meat."

The other party still ignored him.

Cabbage thought, they bought Xintian and they are busy, who is so idle like you.

Such a peerless beauty who doesn't do business and doesn't control herself all day long, she looks so angry.

Fortunately, this guy who directly put on a fancy pajamas and entered the game seemed to have figured it out by himself, and went back to build his own cabin.

Cabbage is a little confused. It had to spur him a lot before he was willing to work. Why is it so proactive now?

As if he knew what it was thinking, the man played with the thick trunk as the load-bearing pillar, and said lazily: "The rabbit has to wait for you to rearrange. There are not many good things in your broken shop. You have to eat something good. On their own."

It's better to break through level 5 early and go out to find ingredients.

Cabbage: …Although people go for food, it’s not bad for a beauty to be self-motivated.

On Zuo Ying's side, she saw the buyer's private message, and she said that this transaction can be done easily, and the money is not too much, not too much, not to be rich, but it can also be regarded as a side business income.

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