"Ow!" he cried, clutching his arm and scooting out of hitting range. "What was that for?"

"Celestina's not the wailing lady," Elena snapped. "She's the Singing Sorceress. She's incredible,"

"She's alright," Regulus agreed, nodding. Isabella liked her, and Regulus didn't mind her music, so she was fine.

"See!" Elena said. "Even Regulus is acknowledging her talent,"

"Regulus is just deaf and stupid," Marcus scoffed. 

Regulus rolled his eyes, only vaguely listening to the banter that was going on beside him and flipped the page of his newspaper. 


James pushed his empty plate aside. 

"Let's go, then," he sighed. "We've got mirrors to put up,"

"I have to study after that," Peter wailed miserably.

"I'm just going to sleep," Sirius grumbled and heaved himself off the table. 

Lily hooked her arm with James and together, the five of them trudged off to place mirrors around the castle.

"Moony," Sirius whined. "Gimme a hug. I'm tired,"

"Seriously?" Remus sighed.

"Siriusly," Sirius nodded and wrapped his arms around Remus from the back, restricting his movement. 

"We should divide into groups again," Lily said. "It will be done faster that way,"

"Right," James nodded. "Remus and Sirius together. Me and Lily in one,"

"Can I just go to the library to study?" Peter asked. "I really don't want to fail my N.E.W.T.s. You lot are geniuses,"

"Sure," Lily shrugged. "Four of us should be enough, right?"

"Yep," James said and they broke off into their respective groups and went to put the mirrors up. 

"What d'you want to do after we get out of here, Lils?" James asked. 

"I told you," Lily said. "I'm looking to work as an Auror. You can join too, then we'll be the power couple,"

"I'm down then," James grinned. "The Potters! Unbeatable,"

Lily flushed slightly.

"Why Potter?" she said loftily. "Why not Evans?"

"Hmm," James thought deeply. "James Evans doesn't have the ring to it. Now, Lily Potter. That sounds incredible,"

"Pfft," Lily giggled softly. "Yeah, right," she huffed. "Dream on, Potter,"

"All my dreams come true you know," James said smugly.

"All of them?" Lily said testily. 

"...Well, except the one where Minnie dances with Dumbledore and Sprout plays the bagpipes one I guess," James said thinking.  "The rest all have come true. . .Or I've made it come true,"

Lily laughed lightly and kissed James on the cheek. 

"Who knows," she shrugged. "Maybe McGonagall did dance with Dumbledore as Sprout played the bagpipes," 

James gave her a goofy grin. 

"Who knows, indeed," he said, wrapping his arms around Lily's waist and hoisting her to his height to kiss her. 

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