"Sure!" Devi replied. They then paid the bills for their coffee in the cafe and got out. However, it was raining ever so badly with big puddles everywhere. Because the weather was bright when they first came, neither Arpana nor Devi brought an umbrella. So using the ends of their dupatta they covered their heads and started walking towards Arpana's car which she had parked opposite the road.

Just when they were going to cross the road, a black BMW passed by splashing muddy water all over Arpana and Devi. Well mainly Devi...

Devi shouted at the driver to stop but he didn't. Arpana quickly clutched Devi's hands and gestured her not to do anything because Arpana very well knew that her sister is short-tempered but Devi quickly loosened the hold, scanned the place quickly, grabbed a stone and threw it using all force for it to land on the black BMW, damaging the bumper just the way Devi wanted it.

The car immediately came to a stop!

A muscular young man who looked as if he was in his late twenties stepped out despite the rain. He was wearing a blue shirt and black trousers, his attire complimented his looks very well. He quickly examined the car and then looked towards Devi's direction whilst brushing his hair angrily.

This young man's face was, however, familiar to Arpana! She saw him that day in the police station!

It was... Umm.. Madhav ... Anjali's brother!

"Why did you throw that stone at my car?" Madhav asked as he approached Devi.

"Well, look at the state you've made us in! When driving it's important to be careful, not only about yourself but also your surroundings. Let this be a lesson. Do you have any more problems?" Devi asked courageously.

"For goodness sake I did not put that puddle there! Like you can see, it is inevitable to avoid it. Please knock some sense into yourself!! Because of your stupidity my new car has been damaged! It's ridiculous" Madhav said ever so angrily. Like how come she has the audacity to perform acts like this?

"Honestly you don't deserve to roam around the roads like this! You should be taken to some kinda hospital to treat whatever is wrong with you" Madhav said angrily as a response to Devi's smirk. She did not regret what she did one bit.

In between this drama Arpana was stuck. Slowly Madhav caught a glimpse of Arpana, at first he did not understand who she was but the more he thought about it, the clearer it became on who she was.

"Arpana?" He slowly called out her name.

"Yes it's Arpana," Arpana replied. Arpana had no grudge or hate towards Anjali's family. It's not their fault on how she turned out to be. Therefore, Arpana interacted nicely with Madhav. By this time, the rain has also eased.

"Madhav, we're very sorry for the inconvenience. I'm apologizing on behalf of Devi and by the way she's my sister. How much is it fix your car?" Arpana asked him with concern only to annoy Devi further.

"Arpana, please don't make me feel a little again. I don't need any money, leave it. I hope you are okay and once again we are so sorry for everything we made you and Arjun go through. I guess he's still annoyed with me" Madhav said with guilt in his eyes.

"Madhav, there's no need for you to apologize. We can't change anything about the past. Can we? Let the past remain as it is, let's not keep looking back at it. So tell me, how are you?" Arpana asked him affectionately.

"Actually I'm doing well, Arpana. Recently I joined an American based company as an engineer" Madhav replied politely.

"Oh! That's amazing Madhav. One day when you're free, please come and visit me and Arjun. Don't stop yourself thinking Arjun doesn't like you guys. In fact, he has made peace with his past and is thankful to you guys." Arpana assured Madhav was happy. His sister's deeds were killing him every day but today after hearing what Arpana said, he felt calm and relaxed. Soon after a casual conversation, Madhav turned around to leave but Devi stopped him only to earn a frown from Arpana.

When Life Gave a Second Chance  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now