After eating some breakfast, Arpana changed into a violet saree and let her hair loose. Whereas Arjun changed into a black kurta with smart white trousers to visit the temple as it was Arpana's birthday. After that they have been invited to Arjun's House for the same reason and to celebrate the joy of Neria's pregnancy.
The car journey was quiet, however when they nearly reached the temple, Arjun brought in a conversation. "So Arpana, did you hear anything from the jobs that you have applied to?"

"Yes, I heard from a couple of companies, they called me for an interview but I'm thinking of postponing the idea of returning to work for now" Arpana replied.

Arjun frowned in doubt "Isn't it nice though, to earn your own money and have that financial independence. Wouldn't you feel more empowered that way? Don't take me wrong. I'm more than happy to provide for both of us but I know you are a person who doesn't want to be dependent on anyone".

"Arjun, you're forgetting the ridiculous amount of wealth I have in my name. Don't forget that I finally got a hold of it" Arpana chuckled.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're a little millionaire. Then don't bother returning to work" Arjun said as he smiled.

"But that is not my money. It's not the result of my sweat" Arpana said, making Arjun surprised.

"Arpana, I don't understand what you are talking about! What do you mean?" Arjun asked her in doubt.
Just when Arjun had asked this they reached the temple so Arpana just said "Arjun, I want to talk to you. Let's talk after praying."

So they prayed to God, thanked him for everything she has in life now. Arpana had lost faith in God earlier when she had to encounter all those issues but she believes in God much more than she used to now. She believes it's the force that has helped her to move forward in life.

After praying, they went to a quiet area which was still part of the temple. "So Arpana what is it that you wanted to tell me?"
After a brief pause Arpana looked at Arjun and asked him something "Arjun, will you help me?"

"Of course I will, Arpana. You don't even need to ask me" Arjun told her.

"You knew earlier when you asked me about returning to work. Well I'm desperate to start working but Arjun there is one thing that I want to do before that...
I want to return all my wealth to my biological father because I don't deserve it but Arjun I don't want him knowing that I'm his daughter. He never knew he had a daughter like me so let it remain like that. I don't want to ruin his peace and the happiness of his family" she threw what was worrying her for all these days out of her chest.

Arjun thought about it for a second because what Arpana put forward was totally unexpected for him. "Well Arpana, I like the idea of how you want to return the wealth but doing it without him knowing you are his daughter is a little impossible. I mean it's not practical. However, if you are stubborn that you want to return your wealth without your father knowing that you're his daughter then we need to know who gave you all this wealth in the first place and whether they are still alive now. For that we need Lalitha aunt's help but she can only help us to a certain extent" Arjun put forward his suggestion.

"Hmm I think you're right Arjun, it is a difficult task...

Before I tell you the next thing let me apologize for burdening you with it all...

Arjun is not just my dad but I want to see a glimpse of my mum as well. I know she left me when I was little but how can I blame her Arjun? I was a threat to her future!" Arpana said as a lone tear streamed down her cheeks. Arjun knew very well how sensitive this topic is for Arpana so he hugged her and assured her that he will be with her even if she's asking to reach the sky. Also, he of course told her not to apologize because she is no longer a burden to him but a part of himself now.

When Life Gave a Second Chance  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now