His hand goes around my neck. The feel of his hand against the most sensitive place on my skin turns me on and makes me nervous. He's not squeezing hard at all. Just gently stroking his thumb up and down the length of my throat.

His other hand slides into my hair. When he tugs hard a soft moan escapes my mouth. "What do you think you're doing?" My voice comes out as a whisper, but I still manage to glare at him.

"You didn't think I would let you walk around here in lingerie without touching what's mine did you?" He groans against my neck as he buries his face.

"I don't belong to anyone!" Rolling my eyes I try to get free from his grip, but he's too strong for me. Even though his face is emotionless, I guess he is turned on by me. That fact makes me a little happy. What I don't know is why it makes me so happy. This man is my enemy and I hate his guts. Yet when his eyes are on me, lusting for me, it brings something out inside me.

Something inside me wanting his attention all for myself. Wanting him to touch me all day and never stop until I'm satisfied. His hand traces the outline of my panties. Then suddenly he bends my body back while lifting up my leg. Getting in between my legs he keeps it bent around his waist.

"Doesn't seem like you're objecting much." He stops and looks into my eyes. "Do you want me to stop? Because I will if you want."

When I look up into his eyes I get lost. Shaking my head I place my hands on his side and bite my lip. What is going on with me?

"Use words." He whispers.

"No. Don't stop." My head stays down as I say it. It's as if he's hypnotized me! My mouth is saying something completely different from my brain. My entire body is saying something completely different from my brain.

His lips suddenly connect with my neck. My eyes flutter closed as the warmth consumes me. His lips are soft and cause a spark to travel down to my core. As my eyes stay closed I feel his lips trail the length of my neck.

"Rocco!" My voice is so soft I almost hate it.

Then once his lips reach my chest my body starts to fire up. Something foreign and honestly I'm sort of scared. Once my body tenses up he stops. The loss of his touch causes my body to feel cold and empty.

My eyes stay closed awaiting for his lips to touch my skin again. When they don't I open my eyes. Rocco is looking at me intently. He seems to always make eye contact. No matter what he's always looking straight into my soul. This time his eyes are dark with lust.

His thumb comes up to my mouth as he brushes his thumb against my bottom lip. He groans when my tongue darts out to lick his thumb. He takes his thumb and pushes it into my mouth. "Suck." He commands.

My eyes flutter closed again as I focus all my attention on moving my tongue around his thumb and sucking hard. "Good girl." He brings his lips down to my ear and nibbles.

Then he takes his thumb out of my mouth. Biting my bottom lip I tilt my head back to look up at him waiting on his next move.

His hand takes my neck into his grip from behind. Then with so much force, he pushes my mouth against him. A whimper escapes once my lips crash against his. Once again my eyes shut. This time to savor the taste of his lips. He tastes like mint. The taste of him is so good I end up opening my mouth for him.

When his tongue slides into my mouth my eyes widen. Never in my life have I let a guy put his tongue into my mouth, but I like the way Rocco takes control of my mouth. His tongue against mine as he dominates me. Losing control of the kiss I let him take control.

When something between my legs starts to buzz I hum. "Mm"

Rocco notices and breaks apart from the kiss. Quickly I bring my fingers up to my swollen lips. Can't believe I just made out with Rocco.  His lips, His hands, The way he claimed my body. Everything to him being close to me did something to my body that's never been done before.

He pulls out his buzzing phone and answers it. Anger quickly taking over his features. "This better fucking be good." He growls. Whoever is calling must be delivering bad news because the grip on his phone tightens.

"What!" His brows furrow. When his jaws clench I come to the conclusion that something bad must have happened. If Marco sent another video of my father I don't think I'll be able to handle watching it.

A loud noise rings in the hallway. It sounds like an alarm. "Fuck!" Quickly he hangs up the phone and turns to me.

"Put on some clothes! We need to go." Moving away from me he turns to a drawer on the other side of the room. In that drawer, as he pulls it open is a gun and a socket of bullets. He pulls out the handgun and loads it. With a click, he looks outside the door making sure no one is inside the room.

"What's going on?" I question fixing my messy hair. His eyes connect with mine worry laced in his features.

"Two people broke in. We think it's people from Marco's mafia. They must have found out you're still alive." When the news hits me quickly I gather up my clothes.

He watches me as I slip into my pants then cover myself up with a pajama shirt I borrowed from Sofia. He really needs to take me to go and get my own clothes. Sofia must be tired of me asking to wear her outfits all the time.

Once I get the last button on the shirt buttoned up Rocco suddenly throws a gun into my hand. My eyes widen as I struggle to catch it. Doesn't he know how dangerous throwing a gun at someone could be? When I get a grip on the gun I then realize it's empty. Biting my bottom lip I look back at him.

The amused expression on his face tells me that he did this on purpose. When he tosses over the gun clip to me I glare at him. He's going to regret that later.

"Get ready. My security lost sight of the fuckers." He announces. If they are coming after me shouldn't he make sure I'm safe. My instincts wouldn't let me stay in one room knowing I can do something, but still.

Leaving the bathroom I walk over to the bed where I have a pair of clothes already laid out. When I turn to make sure Rocco isn't watching I see he is on the phone again.

Quickly I throw on the white long sleeve cropped top with a black pair of stretched leggings that fit my body perfectly. Not having time to fix my hair I run my hands through it and leave it down. This will have to do. Not like I need to get all dressed up for some guys who are going to be killed by Rocco.

Once I'm done, I call out to him. "Rocco I'm finished"

He turns back around to me as he slides his phone into his back pocket. "Let's go. Stay quiet and don't let them see you."

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