pregnancy is making you feel insecure

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"It's a beautiful day outside. We should go out today." Jesy suggested as you both began to get out of bed for the day. "We could go for a walk in the park or maybe go to the beach, if you're up for that."

It sounded like a great way to spend the day. You haven't been feeling up for too much lately, but now that you're starting to feel better you actually feel up to it.

"What do you say? Sound like fun?" She asked as she kissed your shoulder.

It was tempting. Especially when she looks so excited just at the thought of it.

But you shook your head, the sparkle you had when she first mentioned it now faded.

"Do you feel okay?" She asked worriedly, knowing that so far, this pregnancy hasn't exactly made you feel all that great.

"Yeah." You mumbled and laid back down.

She propped herself up with her elbow, her free hand going to rest comfortably on your stomach. She swears that you've never been more beautiful than you are now. With your cute little bump beginning to grow daily and that glow that you have. You just look so perfect.

"You look beautiful."

She's always told you that every day, but especially these days.

"I don't feel beautiful." You confessed as you stared at your stomach.

"Why?" Jesy asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Because..." you spoke and sat up against the pillows. "I'm getting bigger. My body is changing. I dread seeing the numbers on the scale whenever I look."

"Your body is growing and changing because you're pregnant, y/n. That's not something to be ashamed of. It's one of the most beautiful things in the world."

You shrugged your shoulders and sniffled.

Watching your body change hasn't been easy. You know it's only because your baby is growing inside of you. You know that it's natural and bound to happen at some point during these several months. But it tends to bring you down some days. You try to always see and focus on the upside. But it's not always easy.

"My hormones keep getting the best of me. I feel like I cry over anything and everything. Watching my body change and knowing it's only going to continue for months to come is hard sometimes."

"Oh, baby," she spoke softly and pulled you into her arms. "I know it's not easy. I know how much you're going through. I know I don't know the struggle firsthand, but I see it all. I'm amazed by you. I've always been amazed by you, but even more so these days. You may feel ashamed of your body sometimes, but it is the most beautiful thing ever. Our baby is in there, growing healthy and happy. You should feel proud of what your body is capable of. Because it blows me away."

"That's true." You said as you began to think deeply about how much your body can do and how much it's truly capable of.

"Please don't get so down on yourself. I know these few months won't be easy, but I'll be here to remind you each and every day of how wonderful you're doing and how insanely gorgeous you are."

"Thank you." You said as you lifted her head, finding yourself smiling again at last.

"Anytime. I'm always here for you. You're perfect to me. Don't forget that."

You put your head on her shoulder and stared down at your growing stomach, watching as Jesy laid her hand on it once more.

"Our baby is going to love you just as much as I do. They're going to be so lucky to have you as their mom. Everything is going to be just fine. Don't get caught up in that pretty little head of yours. You'll always take my breath away, y/n. Nothing will ever change that."

Jesy Nelson Imagines (gxg) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now