"And what have you heard?" Queen Vivian asks, eyeing Anita's pale face suspiciously.


* * *

"That's not fair to her!" I recognize Aunt Anita's voice first, angrily whispering at mom.

"Don't bring Sarah into this." She hisses and I grow curious. What the hell are they talking about?

"You know how it affects her to see you neglect Matt like this. It's her brother!"

"Don't you dare call him like that!" Mom practically yells, making me jump slightly. Aunt Anita is right, I never understood why mom always hated Matt, who is the sweetest and most generous man I know. "You and I both know he isn't, and never will be." She continues and I stop breathing, mom's words feeling like daggers in my heart.

"Veronica, I know they're not biologically related, but he still always treated her in the best way possible. Sarah loves him like a brother and if you really care about your daughter, you should start by taking care of one of her biggest source of happiness." Aunt Anita retorts, her voice sounding thick with emotions while I feel like crumbling into pieces. What are they talking about? He's not my real brother? All this time, we weren't even related and mom never told me? Who's his father? Is he mom's?

"Don't tell me what to do. I care about Sarah, but Matt is not my blood. He's that woman's son and I hate the both of them. To this day, I still don't understand why I was the one to call myself his mother. That wasn't part of the plan, and I'm not going to waste my money on him." What woman? What plan?

"Not part of the plan?! I gave my child to Vivian! I sacrificed myself so you could take your revenge! The least you had to do is pretend Matt was yours! Do you realize how hard it was for me to hear Harry call Vivian mom? To see him care more about her than his real one? I suffered 24 years for you, and now my son, your nephew, your blood, is going to get married and become a King, and you still find a way to act like a selfish brat!" I feel my heart drop, connecting the dots in my mind. This is...mind blowing, it feels like a ton of bricks has suddenly fallen over me, made of heavy and dark secrets. Prince Harry actually is...not a prince? But a cousin, while Matt...?

Oh my god. This is horrible.

"Alright! I'll continue the job." Mother sighs exasperatedly. "Only because you are my sister. And I'll let you know that I also risked my life for you."

"Oh please, you're going to bring that up again?" Aunt Anita sighs, her tone annoyed. Mom risked her life? For what?

It just hits me how massive this is. Who's this woman, who I thought was my beloved mom, that created such plan with her sister? What was the purpose? Hate? Revenge like Anita said? Agains't the Queen of all people?

"Yes I will! Do you realize how hard it was for me to deal with both of you going into labour? If my cover fell off, none of this would have worked." Mother says, the new confession making me slowly understand. So mom switched the babies? This is completely messed up.

"What do you want me to say? Thank you?" Aunt Anita scoffs. "This was for you, not me."

"You always take me for granted! I switched the babies, and without me, your real son would be singing in a bar rather than almost inheriting the throne." Mom angrily retorts, confirming my assumptions.

"I never wanted to play this game, and you know that. If it weren't for what Vivian did to you, then nothing would have happened. Now, continue your role as a supportive mother and enjoy your sweet revenge in silence instead of complainning all the time." I hear footsteps slowly approaching where I'm hiding, making my heart beat fast. "I'm done with this and once Harry gets married with Madison, I don't want to ever bring that subject up. Understood?"

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