86 | Bonding and Worries

Start from the beginning

Everyone separates and does their own thing, I stick with Dom but he seems like he's in a shit mood as per usual.

Hopefully, I don't break any bones.


Valentina is a natural on the ice, is there anything she can't do? She's been skating with Gianni for a while now whilst I've been holding Levi's hand, slowly skating around together, him erupting in giggles now and then

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Valentina is a natural on the ice, is there anything she can't do? She's been skating with Gianni for a while now whilst I've been holding Levi's hand, slowly skating around together, him erupting in giggles now and then.

My eyes fleet around the rink till they find her, she's talking with Xavier. He hasn't come on to the ice yet, I don't think he knows how to skate. I look around for Gianni since he's not with her and I find him skating with Gio, my eyes drift back to Val who's still talking to Xavier.

I'm not jealous... I'm not jealous... I keep telling myself, chanting it over and over again.

Valentina puts her hand out for him to take, he looks down at it before he looks up and spots me staring at them, he pushes her hand away but she doesn't budge. She grabs his hand in a tight grip and gently pulls him onto the ice, he stumbles a little but she keeps him steady.

As she pulls him along with her, they start to laugh together. I have to keep reminding myself that she's with me, I have nothing to worry about. She's not flirty, she's just friendly.

"Are you with my sissy now Mez?" Levi asks, looking up squeezing my hand a little and I nod my head yes.

"You don't talk do you?" He pouts, making me chuckle and I shake my head no.

"You can talk to me ya know." He grins, I squeeze his hand and crouch down so we're the same height, "I know little man." I say in a low tone so no one can hear me, his face lights up showing a big toothy grin but he's missing one front tooth making me laugh.

I straighten myself out before skating back to the side with Levi still holding my hand, whining about needing to use the bathroom. We reach Stefano and Lorenzo who are sitting on the side, smiling at everyone which is a rare sight.

"Bathroom break buddy?" Lorenzo asks, holding out his hand, "thank you, Messiah." Levi lets go of my hand and grab his dad's, walking in the direction of the bathroom.

"Do you hate him?" Stefano asks, curiously looking at me before his gaze shifts to Valentina and Xavier skating around together.

I shake my head no, my brows furrow with what he says next, "she's a beautiful girl, inside and out. Any guy who meets her will love her, she's an easy person to love."

Like I don't already know that, I instantly fell for her when I first saw her. I don't need him reminding me, I already know.

I let out a sigh of relief when I see Valentina skating over to us, she stops in front of us narrowing her eyes at her grandfather before her gaze shifts to me, and her eyes soften, "let's go handsome," she says holding her hand out for me.

I slide my hand over hers since her hands are so much smaller than mine, we skate around the rink a couple of times in comfortable silence.

"I'm not a bitch unless I need to be, Xavier is a good guy. You don't have anything to worry about, I promise." She says breaking the silence, squeezing my hand softly.

I glance at her before letting go of her hand to sign, 'I know, I'm not worried. I love you and you love me, I trust you.' I grab her hand again and lace my fingers with hers.

"You look like you want to kill him, are you sure you're not worried Mez?" She chuckles.

I lean over and place a small kiss on her pink-tinted cheeks before letting go of her hand, 'I'll race you.' I sign before taking off, leaving her in a state of shock.

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