"Do you know who they are Val?" I ask concerned.

"I do, but I think we need to sit down with the rest of the family and talk. Everyone must be there, including Carlos and Marcus." She insists.

This can't be good...


Luc gathered everyone into the living area, he looks worried and concerned about something

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Luc gathered everyone into the living area, he looks worried and concerned about something. Maybe they found something or have a lead, we have been looking for Viktor for over a month now, and nothing.

Carlos and Marcus walk into the living area confused like the rest of us, I look around and don't see Valentina anywhere in the room.

"We'll just wait for Val, she said she'll explain," Luc announces, gaining everyone's attention as they quieten down.

She finally walks in with Nate beside her and her friends behind her, they all take a seat. Lastly, Messiah and Felix walk in and stand at opposite ends of the room to each other, still on guard.

"What's this about Bambina?" Uncle Dante questions, confused.

"Did you get a lead?" Dad asks, looking hopeful.

"Fernando and Marisol, ring any bells Carlos and Marcus?" She asks, looking straight at them, dead in the eyes.

Both men side glance at each other and tense up, the room growing even more confused except Luc who looks at both men with wide eyes.

"It turns out, we are related after all. Have you known this entire time?" She demands from them both, but they look baffled.

"What are you talking about little one?" Carlos questions.

She walks over to both the men with something in her hand and gives it to them, they frown at her before looking down at the item and their faces drop.

"Rosa —" Marcus whispers, tears threatening to spill, "how'd you get this photo?" He asks looking back up at Val who smiles at him.

"That is our mother Alessia, but you know her as Rosa. Turns out she changed her name before she met our father, for good reasons," she casually says.

"What's going on?" Nic asks, growing frustrated as the rest of us.

Val turns to our grandfather Stefano, "there was a reason you didn't like Carlos and Marcus to begin with, wasn't there Nonno?"

He nods and looks away from her, dad beside him looking confused before he gasps, "Wait you said Alessia changed her name from Rosa? Val, what are you trying to say?" Dad asks.

Val looks back at Carlos and Marcus, "are you both putting the pieces together or would you like me to explain?"

"We —" Carlos pauses frowning at the photo in his hand, "I don't think I fully understand."

Val sighs before taking a seat, "Would you like to explain where I'm going with this Nonno?"

Stefano grows rigid, he looks at all of us like a deer caught in headlights and shakes his head no. Val groans and grumbles something under her breath.

"How do I put this? Okay —" she takes a breath, "Rosa Gonzàlez is the Spanish Mafia princess who disappeared a long time ago because she fell in love with someone she wasn't supposed to. She changed her name, settled down, and started a family. After Rosa left, Carlos and Marcus left the family business as well since they were close with Rosa and you both changed your last names. Are you all connecting the dots yet?"

Is she trying to say what I think she's trying to say? Our mother can't be this Rosa person she's talking about, there's no way. This would mean she lied to everyone, to me. That would also mean that Carlos and Marcus are our uncles, none of this makes sense.

"Wait —" dad says looking at Stefano, "when I met Alessia, you told me to stay away from her. It's because you knew who she was, wasn't it?"

"Ding, ding, ding! Now we're getting somewhere!" Val exclaims, happily.

"Your last names aren't Garcia?" Vince questions, looking at both men, who both shake their heads no, "and your last name is Gonzàlez? You both are a part of the Spanish Mafia?" He continues in disbelief.

"Yes but we left that life behind when Rosa left, the three of us were so close and we were lost without her. Our older siblings stayed and took over the business while we started over, searching for Rosa but never found anything." Carlos explains.

"Val, how'd you find all this out?" I whisper in disbelief.

She looks at me in deep thought frowning, "Viktor sent me a video of him torturing two people by the name of Fernando and Marisol. I knew who they were but I didn't know of what importance they were to me, so I did some digging," she shrugs.

"Viktor has our parents?" Carlos asks worriedly.

"Yes, I think it's time for a vacation. I hope you all know a bit of Spanish —" Val claps excitedly, "pack your bags, we're going to Spain!"

Our life is like a fucking soap opera, with so much drama, and so many lies. I can't even keep up with all this shit.

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