33 | Plans and Frustrations

Start from the beginning

He is the coldest towards his sons, my father, and uncles. He isn't as cold to us grandchildren but he still doesn't laugh or smile around us. Everyone knows not to disrespect him, so we tend to leave him to himself at family gatherings.

"Discuteremo di tutto con Valentina e vedremo cosa ha da dire," I say sipping on my glass of whiskey.

(We will discuss everything with Valentina and see what she has to say)

She shouldn't have to worry about this shit.


I've been letting out my built-up anger on this punching bag for a while now, I'm surprised Mez hasn't tried to stop me yet

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I've been letting out my built-up anger on this punching bag for a while now, I'm surprised Mez hasn't tried to stop me yet. Growing tired and breathing heavily, I move away from the bag.

I need a distraction and I have a perfect idea, grabbing my bottle off the bench, I head over to where Mez is standing, I tap his shoulder and he turns around, 'are you okay?' He signs.

"I'm good, I need you to distract me. Come stretch with me, please?"

'Okay, Felix just got back. What did you have in mind?' he grins signing.

"Not that kind of distraction Mez, maybe another time though," I smirk at him and his grin grows wider on his face.

We head over to the mats and sit down stretching together, "I've been curious ever since I first met you and found out you were mute. I'm going to ask questions, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, okay?" He nods his okay and continues stretching.

"You're a selective mute." Wasn't a question more of a statement since he whispered in my ear the other night. He simply nods.

"What caused you to be mute in the first place?" I inquire, curious.

'A year ago before I was working for your family, I was working for a different family. I was in charge of protecting them. I was kidnapped and tortured for two months, I kept quiet the entire duration of it, I managed to escape but haven't uttered a word since, well that is until I thanked you,' he signs.

"Awww, well you know how to make a girl feel special —" I chuckle and he gives me a warm smile, "How do you order food when you dine out?"

He laughs before signing, 'I don't eat out, I rather eat a home-cooked meal.'

"How do you make phone calls?"

'I don't, I text unless the person knows sign language but not many people do,' he signs.

"What if you get pulled over by a cop?"

He frowns at me then chuckles, 'I'll sign to them then they'll get the idea and grab a notepad and pen for me, it's not often I'm pulled over though it's only happened twice,' he signs shrugging.

"Have you ever accidentally talked or began to talk and then quickly stopped?"

'No. I only will speak to someone I want to. You've been the only person so far, to be honest,' he signs before getting up from the mats.

"Last question, I know you laugh and I've heard you grunt when you're annoyed. Do you moan and groan during sex?" I blurt out genuinely curious.

Curious for education purposes, I swear.

Bitch you lying to yourself.

His eyebrows shoot up in surprise at my question, then he relaxes his face looking at me with an amused look, he slowly approaches me and dips his head, and leans in close to my ear, "Yes Valentina, I moan and groan during sex. I know for a fact you do," he murmurs in my ear sending shivers down my spine and the hairs on my arms and legs to raise giving me goosebumps.

Fuck me.

My eyes grow wide and I know I'm blushing now from his words and my inner thoughts. I need to leave or I'm going to jump this man.

God, my name sounded so sexy coming out of his mouth.

He steps back from me and smirks, 'have you calmed down now, and have I fully distracted you?' He signs.

No, I'm horny now not calm.

Clearing my throat, "Y-yeah, I'm all good n-now. Thanks, Mez!" I stutter out, making a beeline for the gym exit. I need to go fucking masturbate as soon as possible, why is it I can rile everyone else up but Messiah manages to rile me up every time? I am so sexually frustrated right now.

Why do I do this to myself?

Why do I do this to myself?

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