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I hugged her pillow.

"I miss you."  I whispered.

I sighed as I sat up. I need to go to our sanctuary. The place only we know about. My nymphs bowed down when I walked passed them. I didn't even glance at them. I was supposed to continue when I froze as I saw a door open in my peripheral vision.

Her dance studio.

It was open. The nymphs must've forgotten to close it after cleaning it.

He walked closer and leaned on the golden door.

"She used to dance all types of dances. She used to dance with me."

I smiled remembering the time wherein they danced together. A simple waltz wherein it looked like they were the only one existing in their own world.

"Let's dance, shall we?" she smiled.

I nodded.

Her smile was the most beautiful of them all.

"My love, you know that I cannot dance.. right? But since it is your request, we shall." I replied.

A song played as she snapped her fingers.

I smiled and held her waist. Pulling her close as she put both of her hands on my shoulders. We made little steps as we were dancing slowly to the rhythm.

"I don't wan't to watch the world end with some else." she sang to the lyrics.

I chuckled.

"You will never my love."

With that, I kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. She was now my everything.

"Your excellency, the son of Cerberus is now ready."

I was snapped back into reality as Thanatos spoke. I simply nodded.

Many of the Gods suggested that I move on. But how? I remember her everywhere I go. But the main reason was I do not want to. She's the only woman I want to spend my eternity with.

I strolled outside and I saw Cerberus' four headed son waiting for me. I hand gestures to be lower so that I can ride him. He nodded as I went up to his back. I tapped one of it's neck which meant go.

We flew towards Tartarus and inside the portal.

I breathed heavily.

The beauty of this place turned dull in my eyes.

My dancing sunshine wasn't here anymore to make it colorful.

"A picnic? Aren't we too old for that?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes.

"No one is ever too old for a picnic. Plus I saw some pretty fairies that looked like the fairies back at home. Via and I used to play with them when we were going near the river-board." she replied as we went inside the portal.

Next to the tree of life was a river. A crystal clear river with fairies protecting them. Water fairies to be exact. The look of her smiling and bright face that only I can see because I was the only one besides her twin sister sees was the mist priceless thing I will never trade to the world.

She set up the picnic as I helped her with the goods that she personally prepared.

We sat down and she leaned toward me. Giving me a peck as she chuckled.I couldn't help but blush. She's just so bold sometimes.

"Who knew the God of death can blush?" She teased.

I smirked.

"Continue doing that and I will give you a different kind of blush." I said darkly.

She swallowed and bit her sandwich.

Got ya.

"It's so peaceful here. I wish we can stay here forever." She uttered.

I smiled at her as I tugged her hair behind her ear.

"This is our sanctuary. One day we will bring our kids here too." I promised.

She smiled.


I sat down at the same spot that we were before. I looked at my reflection in the water. I shook my head as I let myself be drowned by the overwhelming emotions. My love for her is eternal. She is my safeplace, my mia bella.

I looked at her stem in the tree of life. As long as it stays, she's still alive. As long as she's still alive, I will wait. Even if it takes me Ions. I will wait for my love. But while I am waiting, I will punish those who hurt you in the past.

I will avenge you.

You're forever mine.

Wrote Hades' POV. I figured the Epilogue will be his POV too.
Tissues anyone?

Once Upon A Time |𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗗| (#Wattys2021)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz