Ch. 16: Promise

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I groaned as I stirred awake. I sat up on the bed. Like an unrelenting enemy, the pain greeted me once more. There was a sharp ache coming from the back of my neck. My hand shot up to my cervical area and felt bandages on it.

My breath hitched. I frantically looked around while holding my nape. It was dark. I rummaged for my glasses but couldn't find them.

Where am I?

I got to the edge of the bed and dangled my feet over it. I tentatively placed my toes on the ground, then shifted my weight to stand up. As I pushed myself to rise, I felt lightheaded. My knees buckled, so I came crashing down on the floor.

The light came on. I forcefully closed my eyes because the bright glare hurt.

Feet ran in my direction. I felt hands wrap themselves around me. I jolted back at the touch, sending a painful electric shock down my spine. My shoulders tensed and my breath caught in my throat.

"Hey, hey, calm down. It's ok. It's ok." Dahlia's voice spoke softly beside me. "What are you doing?"

"What happened? What's going on? Why do I have more bandages?" I shot the questions as they came to my mind. My voice was still hoarse, so it hurt to speak.

"First, let's get you back to bed, then I'll tell you, ok?" She was lightly lifting my right bicep.

I nodded.

She helped me stand. I was a bit wobbly, but her grip didn't falter. She got me back on the bed then handed me my glasses. I heard her pull up the chair that was next to the door and brought it closer to my bed. She sat directly in front of me and placed a hand on my right knee making me flinch, so she retracted her hand back letting out an upset sigh.

What has her so troubled?

"Don't try to move your neck too much. You've been in surgery." Excuse me? "There was a microchip inserted into your spinal cord."

"What?! Why?!" To say I was alarmed and afraid was an understatement.

Spinal cord? That means she has direct access to my nervous system! What is Mistress planning?

"According to Mistress, she called it insurance, but other than that she wouldn't give any details, so you'd have to ask her." Dahlia shrugged.

"Oh, of course, she wouldn't." That statement peeved me.

"Anyway, Mistress did warn that there was a chance that you might wake up disoriented, so I'm here to reorient you whenever you need it. At any rate, are you hungry?" Dahlia spoke in an insouciant manner.

Are we going to brush over that topic as if it were a common day-to-day occurrence? What the hell has she seen happen here?

"Not really," I responded in the same equanimous tone as her. If Dahlia was being all blasé about it, then so could I.

"Well, I don't care. You must eat. It's been more than a day since you ate, and your body needs nutrients to recover after what you've gone through and especially after the surgery. Mistress gave you a nutrients bag so that your body wouldn't crash, but she wants you eating. She said to give you food and if you said no, then we wouldn't have a choice but to force-feed you and I really don't want to do that. With that said, I'm going to bring in a tray of food and I want you to eat at least half. Is that understood?" Dahlia was being inflexible.

"Yes, ma'am." I looked away and saw the cup of untouched red gelatin on the nightstand. I sighed heavily.

Dahlia came back in with the food. She placed it on the bedside table and wheeled it up to me, then sat on the chair propping both her feet on my bed. Why do you place your shoes on the bed? That's nasty!

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