Ch. 15: Submission

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I was having a hard time trying to breathe. My breaths were shallow, irregular, and fast. I couldn't keep my heart under control, it was on the verge of bursting out of my chest.

Mistress had dismissed everyone in the Arena except for a handful of people including Dahlia, Mia, and Nurse Cleary.

When everyone had left the Arena, Dahlia uncuffed my ankles, then both Dahlia and Mia went to unshackle my arms.

Mistress stood in front of me with her arms out to catch me as my wrists were freed. I fell onto her, crying my heart out.

"It's over now. You're now mine forever." Her hand stroked my hair as my face rested on the crook of her neck, my arms lay limp by my side. She lowered me to the floor and left to look for something.

On the ground, I writhed in agony as I pressed hard on my left arm, just above the burned-in stamp so that the tenderness would subside. It was reddening, throbbing, and aching. With each wave of pain, my wounds felt worse each time. There was nothing I could do to ease the torment on my back except try to keep as still as possible, but my arm was not letting me. My muscles were tight and bearing every painful deluge that rushed through my body.

Mistress kindly covered me with a gown, being careful not to have it graze the burn on my back. Everything still felt so hot even though the source of heat had been taken away. I was shuddering.

"Somebody get me a bucket of cold water, a gurney, and some rags!" Mistress ordered. "Cleary, start prepping the materials needed for treatment."

The dull pounding kept progressing. I didn't know what else to do to make it go away. This is by far the worst pain I have ever experienced.

As much as I tried to cut off the circulation to my left arm so that it would stop pulsating, nothing relieved it. I was just laying on the floor wallowing in my own misery because nobody was doing anything to assuage my cries of help.

Mistress wanted to punish me and show me she owned me and that she is in control, but did it really have to come to this? Did she really have to permanently disfigure me so that I would get the message? I am really nothing more than an animal to her. Actually, I think an animal would hold more value in her eyes than I do right now.

She had taken over my spirit. My soul was hers. She had successfully claimed my body already, and the last pieces of me that were being held by a gossamer thread were now hers to keep. I am Mistress's pet, a toy for her to do as she pleases when she pleases.

The pain intensified. "Please make it stop! It hurts so much! Make it stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!" I was rocking myself back and forth, blind to the world around me as my tears engulfed my vision.

The weighty clonk of a metal pail resounded as somebody placed a bucket beside me and handed Mistress a rag. She dipped the towel in the cold water and wringed it over my arm. At first there was a twinge, but the cool liquid helped to momentarily soothe the ache. She did the same thing for my back. I winced and hissed as the water hit my seared flesh.

Mistress's hand ran through my hair once more. "Shh, little one, I hope the pain you're feeling right now will be your greatest teacher."

"Make it stop, I can't take it anymore! Please." My voice was submissive and weak. "Please, Mistress."

She wiped the tears that kept pouring straight from my soul.

When the stretcher was finally delivered to Mistress, she ordered the guards to carefully put me on it, making sure to place me on my side so that my back didn't come into contact with anything. Dahlia and Mia grabbed ahold of the gurney and followed Mistress to an examination room where Nurse Cleary was waiting. I was moved from the stretcher onto the examination bed.

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