Ch. 2: Arrival

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I kept fidgeting with my hands to see if I could get them free. The handcuffs were cutting into my wrists, and I wasn't getting anywhere. There was no light, and I didn't have my glasses, so I couldn't see anything either. I focused on being able to breathe properly with the hood and gag in my mouth. The driver was not going slow, and I could feel each bump and turn. At least this time, I wasn't hitting the walls.

I shifted to the side to lay down on the floor. My back was already becoming sore from the position I was sitting in. At least 30 minutes must have already passed since I've been here.

Where are they taking me? It seems farther than expected.

I just laid there thinking of the events leading up to my kidnapping. I was tired. It had been a full day of studying and my adrenaline was wearing off. My head and my lip were throbbing even more now. The pounding in my head was getting worse. I closed my eyes tightly, wishing the pain to go away until I finally drifted off to sleep.


I awoke with a start when the van came to a screeching halt once again. I heard both van doors open, and both women were greeted by a man's raspy voice.

"Coming in hot as always, Nivia?"

"You know it," answered the driver.

"Pulling another all-nighter, Phil?" Questioned the female passenger.

"Eh, I need the money for the wife. With the baby coming along and all, money has been pretty tight lately. That's the way it goes, Kristia."

"You know you can always ask Mistress for a raise, right?" Answered Kristia.

"You know how I get around her. She scares me and I can't talk straight. I'd rather just keep my head low, work hard, and stay out of trouble with her. Besides, she always favors the women over us men. Sometimes I think she just keeps us around for added muscle and meaningless tasks. Not like you ladies have ever needed our help anyway. So, thanks, but no thanks, I'll stay where I am right now."

"Your loss, Phil. I'd at least try." Kristia chuckled. "Hey, Phil, get the wand ready, we might need it with this one."

"This catch putting up a fight?"

"You can say that. She tried to jump me, but I got her under control. She's got spirit, that's for sure. Might need a few shocks with that wand if she starts getting too rowdy. I'm not up for fighting right now. It was a long drive and I just want to sleep."

"Sure thing."

Are they seriously talking about me like I'm some kind of animal?

I heard three sets of footsteps approaching the back of the van, when the doors opened.

Light flooded into the van, and I saw Kristia entering first.

"I'm going to go behind you and unshackle you from the floor. I don't want any sudden moves or funny business. Is that clear?"

I nodded with a muffled yes.

A burly man also stepped into the van, carrying some sort of stick with two prongs pointed at me. This must be Phil.

Kristia went behind me and removed the metal ring linking my cuffs to the floor. It took all my self-restraint to not headbutt her right there and then. I still didn't have my glasses, so I couldn't clearly make out anything past six inches in front of my face. Great day to leave my contact lenses at home.

Kristia lifted me by my right arm, and it honestly impressed me how effortlessly she did it.

"Move!" She commanded as she shoved me forwards. I stumbled out of the trunk and would have fallen on my face once more if it weren't for Nivia catching me just outside the van.

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