✨One Japanese Morning✨

Start from the beginning

No, they are not dating. Its just a playful way Nara and the older boys interacted sometime like the way the fans shipped the members with each other. It was just for fun and to have a good laugh after a stressful day. After getting the cake, the two made their way back to the playroom.

"The cake is here!" Shotaro softly cheered as he clapped and ran up to her with sparkling eyes. The other clutched to their chest at the cuteness of the toddler and pretended to faint on the floor. "Why is everyone lying on the floor? It's not nap time." He confusedly looked around and looked at Nara.

"They're just playing." Replied Nara and he nodded. "Go kiss their cheeks to wake them up and we can have cake and cookies." The toddler nodded and went to give everyone a kiss to 'wake them up'.

After everyone was 'awake', Nara set the cake and cookie jar on a small table and cookies in the middle of the room before the younger members except for Shotaro oww-ed at the beautiful decorated cake and gave their caregiver a thumbs up.


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[Well... you can't bake a small cake for 23 people.]

She thanked them for the compliments and started to slice the cake for everyone with a couple of cookies.

"お姉さん..." Shotaro called and she turned to him before he gave her a cream covered kiss on the cheek. "It's delicious." She giggled and wiped the cream off his mouth after thanking him. The boy smiled and continued to eat his cake.

"Let's get the cream off your face too." Yuta said as he took a couple of napkins and wiped off the cream from her cheeks since he was sitting next to the toddler. The other eyed each other and smirked as they wiggled their eyebrows at the scene. Slowly Nara's face started to turn red as she blushed and covered her face with her hands after he was done, leaving Yuta confused.

"Is there something wrong?" He turned to look at the other when they cheered and slowly turned red when he realised it.

"Wow... They look like they are parents to Shotaro형 right now since he is sitting between the two of them." Chenle exclaimed as the other just nodded. "Is Shotaro getting a baby brother or sister soon?" Ten added as a joke and everyone laughed except for the two mentioned.

"You're married to him? I thought we were dating." Kun acted as if he was heartbroken. "You broke my heart, Nara. I'm breaking up with you."

"Kun... We broke up a few minutes ago." Nara replied and fed him a cookie, making everyone to laugh harder, especially the WAYV members. After a good laugh, they all continued to finish their dessert and played games with the toddler for a few more hours before heading home.

Nara decided to walk home with them as she walked beside Yuta with him carrying Shotaro while the toddler was holding on to her point finger as he slept. The other were ahead of them talking among themselves, giving the two some privacy to talk.

"I'm happy that I decided not to give him a third slice of cake after his fourth cookie or he won't be sleeping right now." She said and Yuta just hummed as he giggled.

"Thank you for the cake and cookies thou. It was very delicious." Yuta thanked as he turned to her and winked. "Shotaro will be happy to have the extra cake and cookies tomorrow." She nodded and they stopped at her apartment building.

"Thank you for walking me home, guys." She thanked the members and kissed the toddler's cheek and forehead before waving goodbye at them. The boys waved back and waited for her to enter before going back to their dorm.

"So... Are we getting a real baby soon and becoming uncles?" Ten asked Yuta as he wiggled his brows and the other laughed. Yuta giggled and shook his head at the question.

"In your dream, Ten." Yuta answered while the younger just laughed.

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This boy deserve all the love from this world!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✨✨✨✨

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This boy deserve all the love from this world!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✨✨✨✨

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