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60th chapter! A big thank you to all my loyal readers ❤️.

" Good morning Mrs King." Dr Fiona, Aria's gynaecologist greeted.

" Good morning Dr Fiona." Aria replied smiling.

" How are you feeling? Are you having any trouble with the baby?"

" Not at all doc." Aria chirped.

Dr Fiona turned towards the man standing next to Aria and smiled.

" You must be Mr King, it's nice to meet you."

" Actually...he's my best friend, Zayn Quincy."

" Oh I'm so sorry! It's usually the husband that accompanies the wife and I've never actually seen your husband here." Dr Fiona exclaimed.

Zayn shot Aria a pointed look which she ignored.

" He's...not home. He's a busy man, he travels a lot."

" Okay. Let's get to it."


Aria's eyes began to tear up as she stared at the picture in my hand.

" Damn hormones." Zayn muttered as he took a seat next to her.

" That's my baby." She whispered.
" That's actually my baby."

" It is Aria." Zayn said, lightly squeezing her hand.

" It's living...inside of me. It's in me."

" Yes Aria, it is."

" Whoa." She sighed and then paused.
" Do you...do you think it would be a good idea to send this to Jared? I mean would he get mad if I send it?"

" Do not send anything." Zayn stated firmly.
" He doesn't deserve to see it."

" Zayn it's his child-"

" Yet he abandoned you both."

" He didn't abandon us, he just needs space."

" Are you even listening to yourself?! Aria that is not an excuse."

" I did worse Zayn. I was way worse."

" Stop trying to justify his actions! You did what you thought was best, you didn't even like him! But he claims he loves you and yet he left you and your unborn child!"

" He didn't leave, he just needs space. He's probably just overwhelmed."

" And you aren't?, That is not a valid excuse and you know it."

" Let's just go." Aria sighed staring out of the window.

" Home or lunch?"

" We'll have lunch at home. I'm not going out in public. My bump is already obvious, I don't want anyone knowing yet."

" Home it is."


" Is mum home?" Jared asked his father as he sat on the couch.

" Fortunately, she isn't. Don't get me wrong, I love your mother and all but there's only so much project runway a man can take." Ryan stated as he sat opposite his son.
" How's Aria?"

" I don't know."

" What do you mean you don't know?"

" I mean I don't know. I haven't seen her in about...I don't know...a month or two now."

" What the hell Lucas?" The elder King exclaimed.

Jared rubbed his face and sighed heavily. His father only used his second name when he was extremely pissed.

" I can't go home dad! She's pregnant."

" What? That's great news!"

" It's not great news for me. I'm fucking terrified."

Ryan chuckled at his son.

" Which father isn't? It's natural."

" I'm scared, I don't know to the first thing about being a father! I don't even know what to do!"

" Nobody knows Jared. It's something you learn."

" How?"

" There are more than one modes of parenting. Each father has a unique way of raising his children. I can only give you tips, I can't tell you everything because you and I are different."

" How did you learn to do it? To be such a good father?"

" It's not easy. You'll make mistakes but you'll eventually get a hang of it. I mean just look at you and your sister!, Jade turned out perfect, you...not so much."

" Dad!" Jared exclaimed defensively.

" Kidding!. Lucas go home to your wife, let her know how really feel, talk to her."


Aria heard the door of the house open and stood up to see who it was.

" Jared. You're home."

Jared was taken back by the sight of his wife. Her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head, her skin was flushed and she had obviously gained more weight. But she still looked beautiful to him.

His eyes trailed down to the prominent baby bump. He gulped.

" Not exactly, I just came to pick up some files for work."

" Jared, please let's talk."

" Aria now's not a good time." He replied making his way up the stairs.

" Jared please, you need to come home. I'm sorry!"

" Aria." Jared warned as he rummaged his office .
"Found it!"

" Jared."

" Aria, we'll talk about this later. I'm not ready to have this conversation with you."

" Jared I love you." She said softly, her voice breaking at the end.

He froze mid step.

" I have to get to work."

He left the office without another word.

She followed him to the door and rushed back upstairs to change so she could follow him. She couldn't call Matt because he was not available and she didn't have the details of any other driver.

She stared at the keys that sat on the table and picked it.

" I'm coming for you Jared." She mumbled as she raced out of the room.

As she rushed down the flight of stairs, her foot caught one of the staircase runners and that caused her to slip. She tumbled down the stairs and laid flat on the ground floor.

Tears pooled in her eyes as she felt warm liquid trickling down her legs and pooling around her. She touched the liquid with her right hand and raised it up to her face, bright red liquid stained her hand earning a sob from her.

She managed to reach for her phone and dialled her best friend's number.

" Hey! Is everything okay?...Aria?...Aria are you okay?...Aria?!"

She let out a louder sob.

" I'm on my way Aria! I'm coming!"

(* Cue dramatic music*) Dun dun dun 😳!
Cliff hanger, please don't kill me 🥺.
Stay safe 😷.

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