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" Here." Jared said tossing a teal green sundress at Aria.

" Why?"

" We are going to the park."

" No thanks, I'd rather stay home."

" Oh come on, you've been indoors for weeks, don't you want to get some fresh air?"

" If I want fresh air I could always go to the garden."

" Come on Aria." He whined.
" Let's go." He began pestering her till she couldn't take it anymore.

" Okay! Fine! I'll get dressed."

" Great!"

" Out." She stated pointing to the door.

He pouted.
" But-"

" Jared." She groaned.

" Okay, okay."


" Isn't this relaxing?" Jared sighed as he pushed her wheelchair along the sidewalk.

Aria said nothing in response, smiling as the warm sun rays hit her face.

" Hungry?" Jared asked as her stomach grumbled.

" A little bit." 

" From the sound your stomach just made, it's a lot."

She went red in embarrassment earning a laugh from him.

" Hotdog?"

She wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

" I'm not a fan."

He let out a very dramatic gasp.

" What?! Is that even possible?"

" They taste bland to me."

" You clearly haven't eaten a good one. I am going to get you one and you're going to enjoy it. I'll be back."

" They only have chilly cheese dogs which are wayyyy better than regular hotdogs. You're gonna eat it and enjoy it."

She rolled her eyes as she took a bite of her cheese dog, she paused.

" This is good!" She moaned.

" I told you." He replied smugly earning another eye roll.
" Want me to get you another one?" He asked as she finished it.

" I'm full. Thank you." She replied squeezing his hand lightly.

He smiled.

" I'll go get us something to drink." He announced. He kissed her forehead before disappearing into the mass of people.

Aria felt something touch her leg so she picked up the round object.

" My ball!" A tiny voice squealed.

A little boy of about 4 years ran up to her.

" Oh I'm sorry, here."

" Thank you. I'm Morris, what's your name?"

" I'm Aria."

" What happened to your leg?"

" I got involved in a car accident."

" Will you be okay?" Morris mumbled quietly earning a smile from Aria.

" Yes I will."

" I hope you get better soon."

" I hope so too, who's here with you?"

" My sister but she's talking to her stupid boyfriend, Mucus." He glowered.

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