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|| ENTERTAINMENT NEWS: Everyone can't stop talking about the newest O'Connell family member Benjamin R

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|| ENTERTAINMENT NEWS: Everyone can't stop talking about the newest O'Connell family member Benjamin R.J! The five-month-old baby is called the cutest baby in celebrity babies' history. The already two years married couple Billie Eilish and Kendra Jamie are proud parents! The often shows cute pictures and videos of Benjamin's growth.

"He can't stop laughing. He has the smile of Kendra! Also, we think that we figured his music taste. Benji loves both our voices and he sleeps with the piano sound. Ukulele is also his favorite!"
- Billie's words

"He's the happiest little being I have ever seen. Billie and I are proud of him and we can't wait until he says, Mama. With every babble he makes we have our cameras ready! He also loves mashed greens! (still having his milk. It's his favorite)"
- Kendra's words

All those love and fun facts are shared on their social media! We all can't wait for Benjamin to grow up and to see what kind of person this little boy will become! Will he be a singer as well? What do you think? Let us know below so we can discuss! ||


"Ba-ba-ba!" Benjamin sways his rattle around in the car, he's sitting on his baby seat. Billie smiled looking behind him. Benjamin eyed Billie and smiled at her, she laughs biting her lip. "Bi-bi-bi!" He happily yells inside the car. "Ba-ba-ba!"

"Wait did he said, Billie?" Finneas laughs looking Benjamin through his rearview mirror. Billie chuckled and gave Benjamin something else to play with. She turns back around her seat and looked at the road. "Wow, we have a little genius inside!"

"I know right! This little man learns fast. He almost can sit up on his own, eats mashed greens two times a day and he likes it! That's a whole surprise."

Finneas laugh. "Yes I have seen the video, mom sends it to Claudia and me. He's really smart!"

Billie sigh. "Yes. But he doesn't want to say mama yet, I know it's not the time but I can't wait." Finneas smiled and parked the car across from the child doctor's office. Benjamin is getting his second vaccination. Billie knows that this is going to be hard for him but it has to do with his health so he has to. Kendra is in rehearsals, she's going to perform at an award show. That would be her first show since last year when she wasn't pregnant. She's also busy with her new album so she couldn't join Billie today. Benjamin's uncle Finneas offered to join her and after that, they are going to have lunch at their house. Claudia and Finneas want to spend more time with Benjamin since he's only with his parents or grandparents when Billie and Kendra can't take Benjamin to work. Which is almost not possible.

Benjamin sits on Billie's lap while the doctor is preparing the vaccine for him. Finneas tried to distract Benjamin with puppets. "Mama loves you, you know that right?" Benjamin looked up at Billie. "Let me give you a beso." She kisses his little nose, Benjamin smiled and drooled, Billie and Finneas laughs. "That smile without any teeth, genius!"

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