Chapter Twenty-Nine

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It was around one in the morning when an emergency meeting was called in Andrew Grey's office. There was no ifs or buts, everyone was to get there straight away.

My heart is racing as Andrew finally enters the room and sits at the head of the table. Only the few remaining people who didn't go on the mission are here and I know that cannot be a good sign.

Everyone sits in silence as Andrew takes his seat. His face the epitome of distress. No one dares speak until he does. "Everyone needs to stay calm but... we have run into a slight problem," Andrew starts and everyone visibly tenses.

This can only mean one thing.

"We... we have lost track of the people who went on the mission earlier today. We don't know what's happened to them only that it can't be good," my heart feels like it has stopped. How could they have lost track of them?

"What do you mean you've lost track of them?" I say with utter calmness. It wouldn't be doing anyone any favours if I cause a scene, as much as I would love to.

"Every time we send people on a mission, they're sent with a tracker of some kind. With or without knowledge of it. The trackers only stop working when they have been disarmed or..." he trails off and my blood boils.

"Or what?" I whisper. I knew the words that were going to come out of his mouth before he even had a chance to draw a breath.

Everyone in the room is staring at us but I couldn't care less. Right now it's only me and this reckless idiot.

"Or... they're dead," he barely managed to choke out the word. That word will surely haunt me for the rest of my days on this earth. There has been too much death. The word is thrown around so carelessly it's as though it has no meaning whatsoever.

"Well they have to have been disarmed," I spit and he shakes his head. Everything in me is screaming at me to lunge at him and smack that look off of his face. They're not dead.

He is not dead.

"It's not that easy to disarm them... not when the rebels have no knowledge of them," someone says from the opposite side of the room.

"How do you know that they have no knowledge of them?" I counter. They don't seem to know much about what the rebels know so what makes them so sure of this.

"Because not even the people who wear them know, I'm sure you didn't when you went on the last mission," he says. They put a tracker on me? "By the look on your face that confirms it," a smirk covers his strangely beautiful face and I want to gauge out his eyes.

"Unless they have inner eyes?" I suggest and both of their faces drop. I'm guessing I should have kept that to myself.

"You really think that someone in this facility is working with the rebels?" the guy scoffs. What makes that so hard to believe?

"I wouldn't put it past them," I shrug and Andrew looks at the wall at the opposite side of the room. Clearly deep in thought at the suggestion.

"I think you're reaching girl," I make a point to ignore him. I don't need to feed his ego and want to get a rise out of me.

"So what are we going to do?" I ask and Andrew meets my eyes.

"Colton told me that you know things that you shouldn't," that little...

He promised he wouldn't tell anyone. It only confirms how much of a liar and manipulator he is.

"So you want me to tell you said things..." I huff and Andrew nods. I may as well have just signed my own death certificate. "If I tell you these things though... it's not going to end well," the call pushes its way forward. That dreadful call.

Cold Devotion | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon