Chapter Twenty-Two

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The doctor left soon after so I could process what was going on. She said that when I am ready, I can go in and see Rose. I don't think I'll ever be ready for something like this. Who could be?

I pace in the hallway, for a while, outside of her room. I don't think I can see her like this, it'll be too hard for me to bare. My hand shakes as I grip the handle. As I slow my breathing, I count down. 3...2...1.

I open the door and almost fall to my knees. The countless machines she is hooked up to and the oxygen mask on her face - I feel sick. No one deserves to see someone they love like this, it's sickening. I want nothing more than to take her place, I'm too far gone. There is nothing left in life for me anymore - other than her.

But now she's gone too.

I slowly walk over to her and sit in the chair beside her bed. I reach into my pocket and take out a small notebook - hers. I went back to that house she was so fond of and found her notebook laying in the road.

"I got you something," I whisper as I place my hand in hers. "I don't know if you can hear me right now... but I got your diary," I put it on the nightstand beside the bed. "I went back there and found it in the rubble... I knew you would have wanted it back and don't worry, I didn't read it," I laugh a little to stop myself from crying.

I squeeze her hand and hope and pray that I get a response but she lays there - unmoving. "Please come back to me baby," I move a strand of hair from her face with my free hand and try to contain myself. Rage and sadness are both so strong that it's hard to tell the difference.

I hate how weak I have become, but I don't hate how much I love her.

How much I love the person I hate.

I never saw any of this coming when I met eyes with the quiet daughter, of the lead commander's, across the room. I remember the disgusted look she gave me as I made a point to stare at her body, I remember it as clear as day.

Rose only intrigued me more with every encounter we had. Even the times where we wanted to kill each other. We were both so drawn to each other - like a moth to a flame.

I have hope. Hope that she will awaken and everything will go back to normal.

I know I should probably tell Zach what has happened but I am more focused on trying to conjure up a plan to defeat the rebels. At least that will take my mind off of Rose. I remind myself that the doctors are doing the best they can and that she will be fine.

There's no other option other than for her to be okay.


After forcing myself out of the room, I make my way to father's office to talk through a plan with him. He's not my most favoured person but he is my most trusted. I can rely on him to come up with a strategic plan and get it done.

I don't bother knocking, I walk straight in to him on a call with someone. "Yes... I'll have to call you back... thank you," he ends the call then clasps his hands together in front of him on the desk. "What can I help you with son," he says, not a hint of malice in his voice.

"We need a plan to defeat the rebels and quick, they have chipped Rose with something that is secreting poison into her veins. With this kind of technology, they can do anything. Especially if Rose had no clue it was put into her," I explain and he nods. "Rose is... she's in a coma and they're not sure if she's going to wake up. If I owe her anything it is killing every last person associated with what has happened to her," they will not get away with this and I'll make sure of it.

"I'm sorry to hear that... I know how fond you were of Rose - despite your differences," my father says as if he is giving his condolences.

"Don't be stupid, she'll wake up - she has to. Stop acting as if she is already dead!" I shout and he closes his eyes to most likely stop himself from lashing out at me. "Rose is not going to die," I say quietly and my father sighs.

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