Chapter Four

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There are several abandoned parts of town, remnants of the past wars that are yet to be torn down. There is one in particular that Zach and I went to when we were children, a place we'd both go to escape our retched families. The city is changing and developing every day so it's guaranteed to be hard to find things from 10 years ago - if it's even there at all. It was a derelict house that looked like it had been through the runner, possibly raided years ago when it had been home to a family.

I remember us playing hide and seek in there and we'd draw on the walls with crayons. I should have brought him with me... I'm sure he hasn't been here in a long time.

I stroll down Henry Way and spot the house in the distance. I'm particularly careful in this part of town because you never know who could be lurking in the shadows, especially at night. And being the small girl I am, I would be an easy target to anyone. The fact that the government is wanted dead at the moment doesn't really help my case either. But that, my friends, is why I carry a blade on me at all times.

Ever since that night, I haven't gone anywhere without it.


I stand at the edge of the driveway and stare at the house, soaking in all of the fond memories I have here. There's not much to remember about my childhood but Zach always got me through it, we got each other through everything. We met when we were children - my father was having a work party and we were all civil at the time so our neighbouring sectors were invited. Zach was in Sector 86 so it was rare that we would ever see each other.

Power should never be given to the people that want it, no matter their intentions and that is one of the many reasons why I hate my father. All he is is power-hungry and he doesn't care what he has to do to make people fear him and win that power.

He is a lot like Colton in that way... I can tell that Colton likes seeing people on the edge of their seats when he walks in the room and he takes pleasure in knowing people are frightened of him.

In the corner of my eye, I spot the once fully bloomed tree that we used to climb. I walk over to the tree that is now snapped in half and touch my fingers to the trunk.

Z + R

I can't help but laugh at how cheesy we were when we were younger, cheesy but sweet. Life was so easy when we were younger, we didn't know about the cruel people that lurk the earth. The cruel people that actually turned out to be our parents. Maybe the rebels are right... the government is corrupt but I don't agree with them taking over.

Climbing through the window, I am welcomed with a damp smell and the building crumbling before me. I can't say I was expecting it to be in top condition but I didn't think it would have deteriorated this much. It really has been long since I have been here. The once white walls are now brown and soggy, the once wooden floors are now broken and mouldy.

I sink to the floor and let everything out... everything that has been building up in me for as long as I can remember. My father would always scold me when I would cry and tell me I was weak but he's not here now to remind me.

I clamp my hand over my mouth to not draw any attention to myself and it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my chest. Everything that has been pushing me down and invading my thoughts, I can finally let flow out of me through my tears.

This is what I have always wanted, what I have only ever asked for in my entire life. To cry and not have to hide it, to feel how I want to feel and not have to justify it.

Such a human, simple thing but something that can be so easily denied.


Before I know it the sun is rising over the rooftops - a sign of a new day, new beginnings... a sign of hope.

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