Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The two sector leaders, their seconds, Rose, my father and I are all sat around the table that resides in my father's office. Some of the most stupid ideas have been thought here, but also some that have kept us alive and sane.

My father begins, "What happened tonight was unspeakable... we have lost our lead commander but have also lost one of our own," I scoff and all heads turn towards me.

"She quite obviously was not one of our own if she was feeding the rebels all the specifics of our missions," a fool would know better than to believe she was manipulated in any way. Just another power hungry psycho.

Rose tenses beside me and I know that this is affecting her more than she is letting on. Melissa was her friend, someone she thought she could turn to.

But that's the truth about letting people in. They take what they want, make you believe the good in them... then they leave. Leave and don't look back. Letting you pick up the pieces and mend yourself back together just for someone else to come along and do the exact same once again. Until you stop letting people in for good.

I guess we only have each other now - not that I am complaining, but I would have liked the circumstances to be different.

"She was probably just scared-" I cut my father off.

"She sure looked scared when she sliced open Mikael Waterstone's throat... why are you trying so hard to defend her?" I question and his face drops an inch. My father was never one for confrontation but I on the other hand...

"This is besides the point," Scarron huffs and stands. "I think we have all had enough for one night. I will write to you confirming the dates for a proper meeting where you are not all at each other's throats," he says, his voice laced with disgust.

I never had a liking for Scarron. I'm not a fan of any of them, but him in particular I cannot stand. He's a complete snob and nothing more. He should just do us all a favour and hit the bucket, I'm sure no one in this room would say otherwise.

"No one is leaving," Rose says, nothing but calm lacing her tone. Sitting up in her chair, she takes a deep breath before continuing. "Once the rebels find out about the lead commander and Melissa's demise, I'm sure they'll want to attack again... now that we are vulnerable," Rose explains and the room falls quiet.

"I don't see how this is our problem," Peter sighs as Scarron takes his seat again. How are any of these men sector leaders? They look like they could barely keep a plant alive, let alone a whole expanse of people.

"What do you think is going to happen when word gets out that there are rebels in Sector 85, hm?" I question and they all fall silent.

So I thought.

"As soon as the residents in your sectors hear about how successful the uprising has been, they're going to start going ragged in yours too. We did this to warn you, not for your pity or resources, but to warn you that they are growing by the masses," I adjust myself in my chair, willing myself to calm down. Their lack of common sense never fails to bemuse me.

"You'd be fools not to take our advice, you have seen what they have done... what they are capable of," Rose shivers beside me and I place my hand over hers, under the table, in means to comfort her.

Both of us have gone through hell and back trying to stop the rebels from rising, but I'm not sure how much longer we can fight. How much longer until we are eventually overpowered. I will do everything in my power to make sure that day never comes but I'm not sure if I will be enough.

If I will be enough to save Rose.

"Like I said, we'll get back to you in a matter of days with solutions. We'll get rid of these bastards once and for all," Scarron spits and I know that despite how unbearable he is, he gets things done when need be.

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