Chapter Thirty-Four

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I wake in a panic, scrambling, trying to come to bearings with where I am. My arm roars in pain and I bite down on my lip to suppress a scream as my hands reach out for someone, something. They connect with a hard surface and my eyes snap to where my hand is.

My breathing slows immediately as I realise I am in Colton's room and the hard surface my hand connected with was his bare chest. His chest that is now covered in several bandages and endless dressing. Luckily I didn't wake him, I can only imagine how tired he is.

I quietly get up from the bed and pad towards the bathroom. Colton must have changed me because I am now in one of his shirts and a pair of shorts that are far too big for me.

I look at myself is the mirror, taking in the sight before me - the stranger. My hair is all over the place, my face covered in small cuts, my bags as prominent as ever.

I look a complete and utter mess.

Feeling grimy and disgusting, I decide on having a shower. There's still mud covering my exposed skin and small leaves in my hair from the forest floor that we spent the majority of our time crawling along.

I can't describe how thankful I am that Colton and I got out, however I can't help but feel selfish. Those people who went to help with the rebels didn't even get a choice and now the majority of them lay dying in the halls, with close to no dignity left.

Slowly peeling off the bandaging on my arm, I wince as the cold air hits the now stitched wound. I don't remember her ever stitching it up, but then again I don't remember much other than the unrelenting pain that coursed through my entire body as I felt every move she made.

I strip out of Colton's clothes and step under the spray of water, trying to be as quiet as possible. The water instantly calms me and cures my aching muscles. I let out a sigh of relief as it cascades down my body, warming me and settling my thoughts. We will all get through this, it's going to be hard but we won't let them win. Them... him.

I shiver at the thought of him. I feel sick thinking of that name.

My father let that man kill my mother. Rage boils deep within me and I relish in the idea of giving them both a slow and painful demise. Leaving them on the edge of death, like Michael had done with me. Dragging it out so slowly they will be begging me to kill them. But I won't give them the satisfaction. I will make them suffer.

I will make them suffer to the point that they'll wish-

My thoughts are cut off when two strong arms wrap around my waist. I am startled at first and spin around but am met with those beautiful jade eyes. A lazy smile tugs at his lips and all of my worries are washed away, along with the water, at the sight of him.

A smile finds its way onto my face as he grabs the loofah and puts some body wash onto it before slowly circling it over my body. I move out of the way a little so he can get under the water as he continues washing my body. I close my eyes, marvelling at the feeling.

I feel him press a kiss on each of my closed eyes and my smile only grows. "I love you," I whisper and open my eyes, staring up at his tall figure. His eyes darken before his lips meet mine. I place my hands on his hips, careful not to touch any of his torso, as he deepens the kiss.

He breaks away before resting his forehead against mine. "I love you Rose... there are so many things I want to say to you," he whispers and my heart flutters in my chest.

Steam surrounds us, cocooning us like we're in our own little corner of the world.

Undisturbed and untouched.

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