Chapter Two

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I am awoken by someone knocking on my door. Looking over to my clock I see that it's 5 in the morning. Who in the world is awake at this absurd time? I pad through the darkness and towards the door, opening it. My eyes meet with Andrew's first then with the creep from the corridor.

What a lovely sight to see first thing in the morning.

"Can I help you?" I ask, confused. I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up. The creep's eyes are wide and I look down at what I am wearing. A loose t-shirt and some shorts. His eyes stuck specifically on the V-neck of the top, which extenuates my chest, and all of a sudden I wish I could rip his eyes out.

"Good morning Miss Waterstone, sorry for how early it is but you are scheduled for training. This is my son... Colton," hm... Colton. Creepy guy with a creepy name- makes perfect sense. "He will be training you as requested by your father," of course by my father. And of course out of all the people in this facility it had to be Colton.

"Okay thank you, I just need to change," I say and close the door before taking a deep breath.

This is going to be hell on earth.


Colton leads me to the training room and my stomach rumbles. I hadn't realised how hungry I was until now- that's what I get for skipping dinner last night. I am dressed in the training uniform I found in my wardrobe, there seemed to be an endless supply of workout gear.

Colton is wearing a black vest top revealing his tattooed arms and black jogging bottoms. I didn't know he had tattoos- his suit jacket was covering them, not allowing me to see the several patterns inked into his skin.

"So Rose... I know you are oh so excited to have me training you," I furrow my brows at the emphasis he puts on my name as if he is mocking me. "But you'll have to contain that excitement because we have a lot to get through," he says and starts walking towards me.

"I don't need your help and quite frankly... I don't want it," I say and cross my arms. It's partly true. My father made sure that as soon as I could walk, I would learn how to fight. I'll admit I'm not great at it but I know enough that it's helped keep me alive over the years.

"Is that so?" Colton starts walking towards me again and I place my hand around the dagger tucked into the waistband of my leggings. If he steps so much as an inch closer, I will have no problem with using it on him. "You think that's gonna help you?" he snidely remarks. I slowly pull it out and twizzle the blade on my finger.

"You'll be surprised," I smile. "I am quite skilled with a blade when I need to be," it's my turn to smirk now. He underestimates me, I can see it in his eyes. He thinks it's just a façade and that really I am as useless as I look, but I am afraid he is wrong.

Before I know it his face is inches away from mine and my breathing quickens without me realising.

"You look scared of me, love," he says and I bite back a scoff, although I know it's true. His hard demeanour is intimidating, I'd be shocked if anyone wasn't at least a little scared of him.

"I'm not scared," I lie and try to slow my breathing. I won't let him get the best of me, I will not show him how weak and frail I truly am - I only have my father to blame for that.

"Really?" he places a firm hand on my neck and I flinch.

I know I have bruising there and I see him staring at it. He runs two fingers down my neck until they stop at my carotid artery. I bite down on my lip as he looks into my eyes. "Because your heart is beating awfully fast," a smug grin spreads across his lips.

I take the blade in my hand and push the tip of it to his neck. "You must be imagining it," I say but he doesn't seem affected whatsoever by the blade that is digging into his neck. With one swift motion, the dagger is smacked out of my hand and lands across the room with a loud clatter.

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