Chapter Five

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I had slept all day - not answering for anyone. I know that I am supposed to follow my schedule but that seems a little tedious when life holds more problems than not attending a few training lessons.

One of those problems being Andrew Grey's son. I never want to leave my bed ever again.

Two knocks sound at the door and I sigh in relief, knowing that it's not Colton because he would have barged right in no matter what I was doing.

"Come in," I grumble and don't even bother looking at who it is as the door swings open, its hinges groaning. The delicious aroma of pizza fills the room and my stomach grumbles.

"Food delivery," Zach sings and my eyes snap open. Looking over my shoulder, I see Zach standing by the door with a box in his hand and two bottles of something I can't make out.

"You know me too well," I smile and he walks across the room and joins me on the bed, pizza in hand. I move over a little, giving him more space so that he can get comfortable. He hadn't come to my room - so either the dorms aren't as bad as they seem or he only did it to be polite.

"I figured we could have a movie night to stop you from sulking in your room," his smile lights up the room and immediately lifts my mood.

"Hey... I am not sulking," I say and cross my arms. He doesn't even know half of it. I wish I could tell him everything that is going on but the thing is... I don't even know myself. All I know is that my resentment for Colton is unchangeable and there is no reasoning with it.

"Well something has got you in a foul mood," he laughs. "But... I am here to help with that," he gestures to the two bottles of some kind of alcohol and his face lights up. "One for you and... one for me," he hands me the clear one which I can only think is vodka and he is holding a yellowy golden looking one. Whiskey.

"When did you start drinking whiskey?" I laugh. Zach is quite the drinker, which is more than I can say for myself. I've drunk a couple of times but never to the point where I've been drunk.

"By the looks of it just now," Zach unscrews the cap and takes a few gulps. I sit there, eyes wide and mouth opened in shock. Okay, I didn't know he was a downright alcoholic. "Your turn, kid," really? He hands me a bottle of vodka, tells me to down a bunch, but still calls me kid.

I unscrew the cap and hesitantly take a sip. It tastes like pure acid and burns my throat. I can only imagine the face I am pulling - pure disgust. But nonetheless, I take a few big gulps and the burning eventually stops.

"That's my girl," he laughs and I join him. We both take a slice of pizza each and cheers them before biting into it. It's practically stale but I would eat anything at this point. "Yeah sorry, it's a bit cold... I stole it all from the kitchen as it was past dinner. But... I found these magic potions stashed away," he gestures to the drinks and I laugh again.


"We... we go get... my knife from the monster," I slur and Zach looks at me from where he laying on the floor with a confused face.

"Who's the monster?" he asks slowly. Everything spins a little and I know I have drunk far too much. We never even got around to watching a movie.

We've just been drinking and laughing at absolutely nothing.

"Colton of course... you know the gor...geous brown-haired, green-eyed god," how have I never noticed how sexy he is? Wow, he really is something else.

"The one... who stabbed you?" bingo!

"Yeah... he stole my knife so we need to go it get back...get it back," I explain and Zach nods likes he's answering some big question that will determine the rest of his life.

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