Chapter Eighteen

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I wake up to a pounding on my door and I pinch the bridge of my nose in pure frustration. Why can't people just leave me the hell alone. After sitting in silence for a while, hoping they'd retreat, they start knocking again and I get up with a long sigh. I was hoping they would just assume I wasn't here then be on their merry way.

I open the door and am met with Zach's bruised face that holds a worried expression. "What do you want?" I say and he crosses his arms.

"Is Rose okay?" he says frantically and it's my turn to be worried now. "She's acting weird. She told me that she wanted to tell me everything but then when it came to it she completely flaked and practically ran off," Zach explains and I run my hand down my face.

"Well, do you know where she is?" please tell me that he knows where she is. I will murder him if he doesn't.

"She said she had training to do but I think that was a lie seen as you're here," he gestures to my bedroom. Wow... he has common sense in that thick brain of his.

"So you don't know where she is?" I say and his face drops.

"Woah it's not my fault man," he holds up his hands in defence and the only thing stopping me from tearing this guy apart is that Rose would never forgive me.

"Just shut up," I deadpan and push past him. When is the world going to give me a break, when is Rose going to give me a break? Why did she have to leave her room? Why couldn't she of just stayed there and rested or done something other than leave?

This girl is the biggest pain in my ass but I know that I wouldn't want her to be any other way.


I check her room first, not there. It feels like my heart is beating so fast it's going to erupt in my chest. They can't have gotten to her already, I won't allow it. I am going to murder Michael and I mean it. It's going to be a long, long, torturous death and he's going to wish that he never even spoke to Rose.

There's only so many places she could be. But she is nowhere. I feel like I am just going in circles. Where is the person that I hired? I paid them good money but they aren't here to do their job. Useless. I am about to give up and alert people to form a search party but then I see her.

Relief floods my body and it feels like I can finally breathe again. But then also anger. I know I shouldn't get angry with her but I can't help it. "Where the hell have you been?" I say and storm towards her.

Her head snaps up and her makeup is smeared as if she's been crying. "You wouldn't help me so I did it myself," she says like I am supposed to know what she's talking about.

"I don't understand," I say, confused. "What have you done?" she's not in the right mental state to be making decisions right now, especially when there is a threat we are yet to deal with.

"I went to your father and I got protection for Zach so I could..." she trails off and I know she has done something stupid. "So I could kill Michael," she looks up at me and I can see the fear in her eyes. Fear for everyone and everything except herself.

"You shouldn't be making decisions like that right now Rose, it's reckless and could get you killed. What if Michael heard about this? He no doubt has people on the inside that are watching you, you need to be careful," I say and she nods.

"I know but I need to do something to make sure everyone is safe. I know it's a long shot but if we made a plan that was good enough we could wipe out all of the rebels and eventually Michael. No one else would have to die," her eyes are glassy and I know that she thinks this is going to really work.

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