Chapter Eleven

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All I can hear is the loud thrumming of my heart against my chest as the roof caves a little more. "Stand as still as you can, okay?" Colton says calmly as he moves to get up. The roof caves beneath him too. "We need to jump," I look down and I'm sure my heart is going to explode.

"No... I can't jump," I shake my head frantically.

The house is too high up, I'll surely break my legs if I jump.

"Rose if we don't jump, we'll fall through the roof and the next floor. We'll be safer if we jump," I'd rather fall through two floors than jump. Why does stuff like this always happen to me? Everything was fine until Colton decided to follow me here. "Rose..." Colton says and I look over to him. I nod.

"On the count of three... one... two... three," we both jump and as soon as my feet leave the roof it feels like my soul has detached from my body.

The ground inches closer and a scream pierces through my mind - I think I'm screaming. Everything moves in slow motion as I fall, plummeting towards the ground. My mind completely detaches from my body, my sould practically being ripped out of me as I inch closer to the floor.

A shock of pain runs through my whole body as my feet land on the pavement. The force of the impact makes me fall and I roll over on the pavement, it feels like the wind has been knocked out of me. I lay there for a second, trying to even my breathing before I begin to get up.

I gasp for air as the whole house explodes and I am thrown, by the force of the explosion, into the road. Windows shatter and glass goes flying as smoke invades my lungs. My body screams in agony, everything roaring in pain. "Colton," I cough but I don't hear a response. I look over at the house, through the smoke, and see the only thing I had left being destroyed by flames.

The smoke stings my eyes and I pull my shirt over my nose to somewhat stop myself from breathing in the smoke.

"Colton!" I shout and try to stand up but erupt in a fit of coughs.

"Rose!" I hear someone shout but it's so quiet that I'm sure I am imagining it. Then I hear it again. I stay low on the ground to lessen the amount of smoke I am taking in and move towards the noise. I see Colton laying flat on the ground and quickly move towards him.

As soon as I am close enough, I see a huge shard of glass dug into his shoulder. "Holy..." I am kneeling beside him and have no clue what to do.

"You... need to pull it out," he groans and I can only imagine the pain he must be in.

"Co-" I start coughing again and my head feels heavy. I am inhaling too much smoke.

"Stay low... keep your shirt over... your nose," he struggles to say and I wish nothing else than to take his pain away. I should be laughing in his face, walking away or doing something other than helping him. I'm supposed to hate him. But I can't, not right now.

"I... don't know..." I cough again and my vision goes black at the edges. "What to do," I continue and I see him closing his eyes. "No you... need to stay awake," I'm not sure if I am saying this to myself or him.

"My phone... call my Dad," he manages to say and I reach into his pocket - where I assume he keeps his phone. A shooting pain goes through my head and I try my best to ignore it. Grabbing his phone, I'm surprised it has no lock, I go to contacts and find his father's number.

He answers on the second ring. "Colton, you know I'm busy," he answers and everything spins. Colton uses his uninjured arm to bring his hand to my cheek.

"It's Rose... we... we need you to come to Henry Way... there's," as much as I try to fight the darkness trying to consume me, I can't. I need to help Colton but I can't breathe.

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