Chapter Forty-Eight

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Rose's hand latches around my arm and I will myself to stay calm for both hers and my sake. They're not supposed to be here, we are not prepared whatsoever. 

Before I can ask the erratic girl anything she sets off in a sprint down the corridor. I stand up and go to leave but Rose stops me.

"Where are you going?" she rushes to ask and I look towards Zach. As much as I hate this kid sometimes, I know I can somewhat rely on him to keep Rose safe. I trust him with her life more than I trust anyone else in this room.

"Protect her with your life and I mean it," I say and Zach nods his head. Rose looks frantically between us two and she shakes her head.

"No, what do you mean... where are you going?" Rose says and the look in her eyes makes me feel more pain than I am able to bare.

"I love you, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me... stay alive," I whisper and her eyes turn glassy.

"Stay alive," she says, her voice stern - more like an order. I press a kiss to her forehead before turning around and walking away, not looking back. If I look back I won't be able to leave her.

I head straight for my father's office, taking long strides to get there as fast as possible. We need to alert the other sectors but we all know that they won't get here on time. The damage will be done and it will be too late but it's worth a try.

I have to do everything in my power to make sure we all get out of this alive or at least some of us. There's no doubt that we are going to be losing a lot of people today.

Not even bothering with knocking, I storm into my father's office. "The rebels are here and we need to move quickly," I shout into the space and my father's face pales.

"They're not supposed to be here... not today," he says and stands up from his seat at the head of the table.

"You think I don't know that!" I shout, my anger getting the best of me. "Alert Scarron and Peter, the sooner they get here the better and prepare yourself for battle because they are right outside our doors," I breathe and turn to leave. 

I'm in the corridor heading for the armoury when my father's voice sounds throughout the halls. "We are now on lockdown. No one is to leave or come in. Gather weapons to protect yourselves. Expect the unexpected and stay on high alert," his voice is authoritative and confident. 

As soon as everything is in place, I can make my way back to Rose and make sure she is okay and that she is safe. Her safety and survival are all that matter to me right now.

The corridors seem to be endless, lengthening by the second. My feet slap against the floor and my mind is reeling. I see the armoury door and sigh in relief. 

Expect the unexpected. I need to prepare for every possibility, every scenario... everything.

I strap as many guns to myself as I physically can, taking as much ammo as they can hold. I plan on using all of it... I am going to shoot down the rebels one by one until they are all nothing but cold, lifeless bodies littering the floor.

We are going to get the revenge we all deserve.

As soon as I deem the amount of weapons on me sufficient, I turn on my heel and leave the room. My heart pounds against my chest and the dread that fills me is immeasurable. Pure dread.


As soon as my eyes meet with hers again, that dread subsides and relief replaces it. Those hazel eyes will forever comfort me. "You're okay," I whisper. I wasn't gone for long but so much can change in such a minute time frame.

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