Chapter Thirteen

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My father drags me into Andrew Grey's office where several people are sat around a table - two of those being Colton and Dylan. "Sit down and don't say a word," he says lowly so that no one else hears him. He pushes me into a seat and then sits himself at the end of the table. I play with my hands in my lap and stare down, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone.

"As you all know an attempt on Rose's life was made yesterday but that is not the problem here," my father starts and I am in awe of how he can say such backhanded things in front of an audience. "The problem... is that we have rebels on the loose who are trying to remove us from our stations and this will not be tolerated by any means. This situation needs to be rectified before we can continue. Everyone at this table will be going to the stake out tonight no matter the circumstances," my father is beyond angry and his calm demeanor says it all.

I look up and Colton's eyes are steady on me. He's conveniently sat across from me and is staring into my soul. I look a couple seats down and see Dylan's eyes also glued to me. Could this be anymore awkward? He mouths we need to talk and I nod. I already know what this is about.

"Colton is our finest so he will be leading. All plans will be discussed later tonight in the auditorium and you should be there by nine. No sooner or later," my father explains before standing up and leaving. Everyone leaves prior to that, without a word, but I stay seated. I'm glad to know my father cares so much about me being almost killed, I can tell it really took a toll on him.


Dylan walks back in after a while and comes to sit next to me. I've been sitting here for god knows how long, just staring at the wall in front of me. "What's up with you?" Dylan asks and I have to stop myself from laughing.

"Nothing," I shrug and he sighs. There truly isn't, everything is perfectly fine in my brilliant life.

"Is it true?" Dylan asks and I for once have no clue what he is talking about.

"Is what true?" I face him and I can see hurt in his eyes. Why he is looking at me like this, I do not know.

"You slept with Colton," he says angrily and I roll my eyes. Is he honestly joking? All of this is because of what Colton said the other day.

"I slept in his bed not with him," I explain. "Anyway, why would it matter if I did? We weren't together and we hadn't been for a while. We still aren't now," I say harshly and I know I am being short with him but this is the least of both our problems right now.

"So you still slept with him," Dylan abruptly gets up, knocking the chair over from how sudden his movement was. Please get over yourself. "You're such a..." he leads off and it's my turn to get angry.

"Go on, finish that sentence", tears blur my vision but I refuse to show him how his words affect me. He balls his fists at his sides and stays silent. "So I thought..." my voice breaks and I leave the room, not waiting or caring for a response.

I am so sick of everyone and they're constant need to call me names, to degrade me.

They'll get what's coming to them, all of them. I'll make sure of it.



"So I thought..." I hear her voice break from inside the room and I want to murder that scumbag. Rose storms out of the room and briefly makes eye contact with me before stalking down the corridor. She knows I heard everything but she doesn't know what my next move is.

I wait for a bit until Dylan leaves the room. As soon as he is in the corridor, I grab two fistfuls of his shirt and push him up against the wall. "What was that about, hm?" I spit and he smirks at me. I pull him off the wall then slam him into it again, making him erupt into a fit of coughs. I'm glad it's quite quiet in this part of the facility, I don't feel like causing much of a scene today.

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