Chapter Thirty

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"An interesting offer I see," he says, his voice a sick tone of amusement. That voice that has haunted my dreams and every waking moment since I managed to escape this place. "What makes you think I want her?" Michael questions and Andrew tenses.

"Before her memories were eradicated... we managed to get some valuable information out of her. If you agree to take her and be done with this mess that you have created then that information could just so easily slip my mind and all will be forgotten," I have never seen Andrew more intimidating in my life.

"You drive a hard bargain, I suppose that's how you found our base," Michael says with displeasure and I have to fight the smug grin trying to take over my face.

"Take the offer or leave it... I'm sure you'd prefer the easier way but we can try the other way too," Andrew says condescendingly.

"Oh Andrew... when did you get so boring?" Michael huffs and rolls his eyes. "Hand the girl over and we can be done," Marco's grip on my arm tightens before he shoves me forward. "You're being awfully quiet," Michael says and a shiver runs down my spine.

"I don't..." I trail off and I must be doing a good job at pretending because Michael bursts out laughing.

"This is just riveting... it's a shame you don't remember our time together though," a smirk fills his features as he reaches me. I remember it as clear as day.

He trails his finger tip down my face and grips my chin. "What... what are you doing?" I stammer and his grin only widens.

"How stupid do you think I am?" he growls and leans down to whisper in my ear so only I can hear him. "It's quite a convenience that you show up here unannounced, memories magically forgotten and ready to be handed over as soon as your precious little soldiers go missing," he spits and I gulp.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I whisper, voice shaky.

"Here's what we're gonna do darling," Michael hisses and my body is screaming at me to run, run far away. "You're not going to say anything, do anything. You're going to act normal and come with me or I'll blow their heads off," he releases his grip on my chin and I stagger back from the force.

"Are we done here?" Marco finally says and he meets my eyes. He nods his head a little but I don't make a move to return the gesture.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you gentleman," Michael says as two guards approach us. Their hands latching around my arms to drag me away.


I don't try to fight it as they push me along, towards the entrance to the derelict building they call their base. I don't try to fight it as they make snide remarks and grip me harder than necessary.

I can endure this, I can deal with whatever I need to as long as everyone gets back safe. The remaining people at the facility should be getting ready to attack any time now - setting themselves up around the perimeter.

I need to find Colton but I haven't a clue where to start. You'd think that I'd been here long enough that I'd know the ins and outs of this place but they'd only kept me confined in that small dark cell. Tied down to that chair.

I can't let them put me in that cell, I'll never get out. "Where... where are we going?" I try to stall as the two guards push me through the doors. I try to pull back but they hold onto me tighter.

"Shut your mouth girl," Michael hisses and I roll my eyes, which he quite clearly was not too happy about. "You carry on and I'll blow them to smithereens," he says in a sick tone.

"What makes you think I care about them?" I smirk and that makes the guards stop. "Who says that I don't have my own vendetta?" Michael's face drops but he quickly recovers.

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