Chapter Forty-Four

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I am on my way to my father's office - I intend on inquiring him about my mother's whereabouts.

He seems to be the only one to take note of her travels these days.

I need to find out if my suspicions were correct, if she really has sided with the rebels over a minor dispute that happened three years ago. I need to do this and quickly. The longer we leave this, the more time she has to uncover our plans on this fake 'truce'.

"Come in," my father calls and I walk in. The usually overcrowded room is quiet and empty. Perfect. "What can I help you with Colton?" he questions, not even looking up from the papers he's scribbling on.

"I want to talk to mother," I get straight to the point, none of us have time to waste. I'm hoping he doesn't question this too much but I already know he will.

"Why? From my knowledge neither of you wanted anything to do with each other," he states and I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Deep breathes. He's not wrong but his incessant need to know everything is infuriating.

"Since we will be taking down the rebels in a few days, there's the potential that this could all go south and I'd like to clear things up between us if things do go unexpectedly," the lie rolls off of my tongue effortlessly.

There's no way in hell I want anything to do with that woman or to clear anything up between us and that is never changing. As soon as I figure out what I need to, I plan on never seeing the lady ever again.

"You're not worried about the stability of our plan are you?" my father questions and I scoff.

"You'd be a fool not to be... now can I see mother or will I have to take this matter into my own hands?" it's not intended as a threat but I'll let him interpret it how he sees fit.

Whatever will get him to give up her current location.

"I shall have to discuss it with her," he states and goes back to his paperwork. We do not have time for this. I do not have time.

"That won't do, father, besides... I don't have time, I'm on a tight schedule if you can't tell," I push and he shakes his head with a deep sigh. Aren't we all fed up with the fanatics?

"I will contact her after this and I will get back to you by the end of the day," I nod my head.

Better than nothing.

"For all of our sakes... I hope that you will," I say and leave before he has the chance to even comprehend what I said.

A lot has to be in order if we are going to take down the rebels, I can't be having my mother, of all people, getting in my way and ruining things.

I guess I'm just going to have to take her down along with the rest of them.


On my way back to my room I notice Zach in the corridor looking as pissed as ever.

"What are you doing? I thought Rose was training with you," I say, my voice void of any emotion. Zach's face blanches and I know that the next words to come out of his mouth will piss me off beyond compare.

"So about that..." he trails off and I have to ball my hands into fists to stop me from doing something reckless.

"What did you do?" I spit and he hold both hands up in protest.

"Woah, what makes you think I did anything?" Zach says as if I had just accused him of something downright treasonous.

"Did you?" I question and he stays silent - averting his gaze when it meets mine. "So I thought," I scoff. "You're going to tell me what happened or so help me... you're going to regret it," I point an accusing finger.

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