Chapter Forty-One

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Scarron manor, Peter Hallons, my father and I sit around the table in the conference room. No one has spoken yet, tension growing by the second. Scarron was the one who wanted this blasted meeting so I don't understand why the bastard isn't talking.

"As much as I'd love to watch my life waste away as I sit around a table with you lot, we have rebels on the loose and a plan to form," I finally break the silence and all eyes drift to me.

"This has to be the last time we go into battle with the rebels, we don't have the weapons or the soldiers to get through anymore than one," my father speaks and we finally agree on something. "We barely have enough for one on that matter but it shall have to suffice," he huffs.

"I can lend you some of my troops or resources if you are in dire need," Peter suggests and I'm surprised that he has finally offered something useful.

"That would be very helpful, thank you, after last time... we lost a lot of people," my father says and I remember seeing all of those dying people scattered throughout the hallways of the facility.

I remember seeing Rose's reaction, her face drained of colour.

I need to find Rose after this and talk to her. I've been distant with her recently, I don't mean to be but I can't exactly help it either. Everything has been stressing me out more than it should, I just want to keep her safe.

"I say we call them here and propose a truce, whether they agree or not - we wipe them out," I suggest. It's all well and good having troops, resources, weapons but that all means nothing if we do not have a solid plan.

"They're stupid but I don't think that they're borderline brain-dead, they won't believe that we actually want a truce," Scarron scoffs and I roll my eyes.

Yes because he seems to have a much better idea.

"The lead commander is dead, our facility is practically falling apart, our government is on its knees... if we show our desperation, they'll believe us," I explain and Peter nods. "From our knowledge, they don't know about this alliance. If we can keep this a secret, they won't stand a chance," I say and meet my father's eyes.

I still have no leads on the involvement of my mother, my only hope of finding out is if I confront her myself. The only way I'll be able to do that is by going through my father.

"I trust you Colton, I believe that you will do what is best," my father nods and I look away.

"Then it's settled," Peter slaps his knee and begins to stand. "I'll prepare my troops and anything else that you will need," he says and my father thanks him.

"One week from today's date... we will end the rebels," I say and look at each of their faces. "I want Michael Hisan... he is mine to kill," I spit.

I promised a while ago that I would kill him after what he did to Rose. I would kill him and I didn't care who I had to become or what I had to lose.

"Then he is all yours," my father smirks and I can't help the smug grin that fights its way onto my face.


I am on my way back to my room when Marco stops me. He has been getting closer to Rose recently and to say that I am pissed off would be an understatement.

"Are you aware of your little girlfriends night-time outings?" he crosses his arms and a smirk tugs at his lips. Night-time outings?

"What do you want?" I avoid his question. I'll talk about this with Rose, I don't need to be hearing it from him. She'd tell me if she was going anywhere - she knows that it would be reckless not to.

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